Friday, August 7, 2009

Friday Video Links

Note: To enter the giveaway from OCL please leave a comment on yesterday's post.

Happy Friday! Wow this week has flown by. I promised yesterday that I would have a tutorial today for coloring the little Christmas sea-turtle that was on my card.

Well, I have an even better idea than showing you the step by step as pictures, I actually made a quick video. Don't expect these all the time, but I hope that you find this one useful.

All the coloring techniques I used on this turtle are basic, but still important to see how it works. If you can't seem to get it to look right then just keep practicing.

Also, a couple weeks ago I mentioned that I was on the TV show Scrapbook Memories showing how to alter objects to make them match for a mini-album for my brother. Well, here is that segment for your viewing pleasure as well (again, thank you Lori and Sharon!). I hope you find both these videos useful. Have a great weekend and keep coloring!


  1. I was the 152'nd comment yesterday and thought you probably would never get to reading it so I will post it again here.;) Would you have the ability to put your videos up on something other than (or also with) UTube? Here in Turkey Utube has been blocked by the gov't because apparently they didn't like something that was posted. Perhaps others are in the same situation as myself. Thanks for your lovely tutorials. I am learning so much.

  2. oh wow Marianne, love your video's thank you for all your hard work.. hugs rachxx

  3. Karen, What service isn't blocked in Turkey? We would love to share with you!

  4. WOW, Marianne, You are wonderful! These videos are awesome! Thank you for posting these! I am glad to see that I am using my Copics correctly, except for the outside coloring (water), I wasn't going further out on my paper when beginning with the colorless like I should be, so this was VERY helpful to me!

    {{On a personal note, I have to tell you that you have the most beautiful nails and hands! I wish mine looked like yours!}}

    Oh, and your voice is so soothing, IF I wasn't so interested in what you were doing and saying you would have lulled me to sleep with your voice! Awesome Job, girl!

    Love your new haircut in the Scrapbooking Memories Show, too! SO ADORABLE!

    Still excited for the bubbles class!! Have a great weekend!

  5. I love your videos! Even better than your written tutorials!

  6. Actually the only one that IS blocked is UTube to my knowledge!

  7. Oh, I love the video coloring Bubbles, Marianne! It's great to see your coloring in person (sort of) and pick up some tips. Thanks so much!

  8. Two great videos! Thanks Marianne!

  9. Thank you for the video tutorials. I learn so much easier from watching this way.

  10. What a privilege to get to view
    these great videos. We are spoiled
    by all this free knowledge. What
    can we do to repay you? If you
    want make an online series for
    a fee I would pay a nice sum for
    the classes:-)

  11. I love the idea about online classes from you :) This was a great video, you're awesome!!! Ohhh and P.S. I was tickled to see it took you a whole 10 minutes to colour Bubbles... makes me feel better :) tee hee!

  12. Great videos Marianne!! Please do more!!

    Take care and STAY POSITIVE!

  13. Great videos! I've never seen you with make up on before....very pretty!!
    So excited to get my new pale colors...I think my family thinks I'm nuts about how happy I get over markers LOL

  14. Thanks for that! I need whatever help I can get.

  15. Oh, Marianne -- I had forgotten about your total makeover (you look fabulous, dah-ling)!! The scrapbooking video turned out wonderful -- very informative and you covered a LOT of great techniques! Well done!! :)

  16. Thanks so much for the coloring video!
