Thursday, December 18, 2008

Copic Certification, Winter 2009

Time for updates on upcoming Certification classes! I have a couple venues in the next few months that I will begin sending out applications for in early January, so keep your calendars open and add yourself to the mailing lists. Each class runs from about 9 am to 4pm and cost will be around $120 per session (you get more goodies in 2009)

CHA Classes, Two sessions, January 23 & 24
. There are still a few spots open to stores, teachers, and members of design teams. Contact Kris at for more info or call us here at the warehouse 866-662-6742 (US) or 541-684-0013 (outside US). Note: These are NOT classes that you will find listed on the official CHA education program.

For the following classes, please get on the mailing list by using the application here on my blog sidebar.

New Orleans, LA (18, 19, or 20, exact date TBA)
Pensacola, FL 23rd. Gathering at Flourishes to follow

Westport CT, (19th or 20th, exact date TBA)
Rochester, NY (22nd or 23rd, exact date TBA)
Toronto, Ont. 24

Sally Lynn Certification Classes
Get on my mailing lists for these classes using the registration on the side as well.
Long Branch, NJ Feb 22nd

Topsfield, MA March 1
Camp Hill, PA March 15

Chino CA (L.A. area), April 26th


  1. Marianne, do you guys visit Maryland? I'll be moving to Houston in May, but I wondered ^_^

  2. Are all the classes for store owners, teachers and design team members only? I would love to attend the Toronto class but do not fall in any of these categories.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
