Friday, October 19, 2012

Copic Coloring Guide Level 3 Blog Hop

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Book 3: People
Can I tell you how excited I am to have a blog hop for this book? I am Thrilled! Colleen worked so hard to pull together all the finishing touches to make this book a reality. I had a lot of fun working with her to create the tutorial images. We really wanted to get a wide variety of looks and styles into this book, and I feel that we succeeded.

Today we are doing a very special blog hop, in honor of the Copic Coloring Guide, Level 3: People. I was asked to share my favorite project from the book, and while I really love my card project, I must say that one image I had the most fun drawing and coloring was my Author image/self portrait.

You can see here how much I enjoy coloring. I love this image. It is me in an idealized world.   Nowadays, I am usually sitting at my desk, coloring and working on something that needs to go straight onto my computer because it was due last week. Not quite as much fun as laying on the floor, just happily drawing whatever I want.

I really don't like self-portraits. I hated those assignments in art school, and I never liked drawing myself in a realistic I wouldn't. I almost always draw myself as a comic. The hair length is usually reflective of actual length at the time of drawing. Here's a self-portrait form a 2008 blog post. You can see in this image I have shorter hair.  Some artists never change the way they draw their self-portrait, and so it may not be reflective of what they really look like. But you could totally pick me out in a crowd, based on my author image, right?

The picture I drew for our third Copic book is actually based on one of my favorite self-portraits, however. This image I drew back in 2006 for a gallery show. I think this pretty well sums up what I feel about the notion of realistic self-portraits in general. I was not happy at that time with the notion of a self-portrait, but it was rather important, as it was supposed to go with my artist statement.

Not very nice to throw darts at your own picture!

Now, to get on with our exciting Blog Hop!! Please visit the other contributors to this fabulous book.

Inside Copic Coloring Guide Level 3: People, you will find a CD with blank tutorial images to color, and detailed step-by-step directions, as well as many fabulous finished card projects.

Each participating designer is hopping today to give you a peak at their favorite project from the book - and a chance to WIN your own autographed copy! 

Blog Prize!!
To help kick off the celebration of the new book... each designer on the hop is giving away an autographed copy of the book...signed not only by Colleen and myself, but by the individual designer too!  Please comment on this post for your chance to win your copy of mine!  Commenting will be closed on my blog at Midnight, on the 26th.  Winners will be announced on each designer's blog. 

Can't wait for your copy? 
Copic Coloring Guide Level 3: People is now available at many stamping and scrapbooking stores. Visit your local store today and ask about availability.  It is also sold through the Annie’s catalog, accessible online at Annie's.

OK, have fun hopping along, and good luck winning your own copy!!


Holly AKA KopyKat said...

oh I cannot wait to get a copy of this book!!!! So awesome you did this.

Margaret said...

Love all your freebie images that you post for us. The first two books were fabulous, so I'm sure this will be a great hit also! Thanks for all you do and for the chance to win a copy. Would love to have one signed by you!

Dawn said...

Too funny, I love the image where you're throwing darts at yourself!! And I would love to win a copy of this latest book!

Jackie said...

I feel your pain about self portraits. I don't draw but I am always the one behind the camera instead of in front of it. I would love a copy of this book, thanks for the chance.

Maria said...

did a great job

Caryn S said...

HA! LOVE your self portraits! If I had to do one I'd probably draw me as a cartoon too, I'm not really comfortable with all of my flaws. Really terrific coloring. I can't wait to get this book, there's so much I need to learn!

see mary stamp said...

This will be such an excellent resource. Thanks for the chance to win.

windinstarsranch said...

so inspirational. Thank you for sharing.

Mary Sara P. said...

Just love your self portrait. It made me smile and think I can totally relate to that feeling. Amazing book and can't wait to get my hands on it, so thank you for the chance to win a signed copy.

Tina said...

LOL I LOVE the dart throwing pic!! Congrats on your third edition!!! I can see it will be a fabulous one!

BettyBee said...

I am SO excited about this book! I have the other two, and they are great resources, but this is the one I really need!! I love your insight into self portraits... and they are cute! Thank you for making these books come about. I would be truly honored to have a book autographed by you! Thank you for the opportunity to learn so much and to keep sharing the love of Copics.

Unknown said...

Have purchased the first two, more markers and ready to learn, so getting this would be awesome. Thanks for the opportunity.
Can't wait to see you picture in the book

Kimberly said...

Super fab images and i love your colouring...wonderful..tfs

rosiebudstamp said...

I would love a signed copy of your Amazingness!

I talked to you a short time when I visited the MerryArtist...I sure would like the new collection!

Stampin in the suburbs said...

Great idea for a book. I really need some help with my hair coloring.

Jennifer S said...

I would love a copy of this book. It would be so helpful.

Jan Hunnicutt said...

Wow! I'm so excited about the new Copic coloring book you've put together!! Thanks for the opportunity to win it :)

Cassie said...

Congrats, Marianne! I can't wait to get my hands on one :D

Gramma said...

Love all the book you and Marianne have published. I ordered this one a couple days ago! Carry on!

Whimcees said...


I LOVE your self-portraits! Very clever and creative and your coloring is great! Wishing you a happy weekend!


Barbara Diane

Nana Donna said...

What an outstanding artist you are. I love all your self portraits. I want to be able to color like all the fabulous people that participated in this book. Please pick me.

Sharon Harnist said...

You goof . . . I love your self-portraits, especially the darts!!

Unknown said...

LOL Awesome self portrait :) Love your coloring.. I'm always visiting your site for help. i'm self taught although would love to get in a class. These books have been an amazing help to me! Thank you for the amazing opportunity to add this 3rd book to my collection :)

Beate said...

LOVE the dart throwing you. Hilarious! Thanks for teaching all of us how to create with Copics.
Have a great weekend!
Hugs and smiles

Jennifer Dove said...

Thank you for all your amazing colorful talent Marianne

Your step outside the box with your colors and have helped me to do the same. Thank you for your talent

Brigitte said...

WOW, I love your drawings and your colouring is awesome!!!! I got to use your images in the Copic classes and I loved them. Thanks for making another tutorial book. Hugs, Brigitte

Morag said...

Thanks for covering colouring people... a challenge to do and all the tips are appreciated although I know it will be a long long time (perhaps I need to add a few more longs to that statement) before I will enjoy my own efforts as much as I appreciate yours!

Janeice said...

I would love to win a copy of this book. This is my first time blog hopping, am I hop I have done this right. I enjoy coloring with copics, but my techniques need some help and this book would be a great resource.
Have a wonderful day....and keep on coloring......It's what we do

Julie said...

Thanks for the great coloring tips!


Holly Denghel said...

I was planning to buy one regardless. But an autographed copy would be pretty darn cool!!

mareda said...

Copic Coloring Guide, Level 3: People! What a fantastic resource. I always have a problem with hair, skin coloring and making clothing look real I know this will help me. Thank you for the opportunity to win this book.

Susan B. said...

Congratulations & Beautiful, I love the Copic Coloring books, and would love to add this one to my collection. Thanks for the opportunity to enter.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all the coloring tips you give us on your blog. I would love to win a copy of the new book

JenƩe said...

Thank you for the opportunity to win this wonderful third book in the coloring series, and thank you for the short tutorials shown here on your blog.

Glamour said...

Ijust found you !! A wonderful blog for inspiring me to get my Copics out again and start to color. Thanks!
Diane DeMartini aka Glamour
Novato, CA

Heike's Creativeplace said...

oh wow, can't wait for the book. I'm a big fan from your books and your blog :-)).

Big Hugs

Unknown said...

Funny the way you see your the pic that you are throwing darts to your self!!!! JAJAJAJAJA!!!!It would be great to win this copy.... Anyway thanks for the chance to your blog!!!!

Damasa said...

Since I've had my copics I've been amazed at what I have achieved but hair is something I find a challenge so I would love this book so I can discover the right techniques.

Patricia Garcia said...

Congrats on the book...You are the Queen of coloring....Thanks for the chance to win!!


Leslie said...

This blog hop has performed its purpose: I now KNOW I need that book. Before I thought it might be nice to have. What I like is the different styles included. I've seen so many copic-colored images of strange-looking children that I love the diversity in this book. (I do not believe you would enjoy coloring while laying on your stomach.)

Mojca said...

Waw great work. hugs! mojca

wendy said...

amazing new book..would love to win it...thanks for sharing !

Shazza said...

this book looks amazing, thanks for the chance to win. Great shading x

Kyle4143 said...

This book looks amazing! I can't wait to get my hands on it! Hoping to win! The shadow on your image is very cool!

Bast said...

Wow what a wonderful and inspiring hop this has been! Congrats on another book, loved the first two and look forward to getting my hands on this one!


Jan Garber said...

Thanks for such a sweet insight into your world! I love my first 2 Guides and would love to have this new one signed! What a treat!

Beachsidelynn said...

Thank you for the wonderful free images. They help me with my coloring. So would this new book, so thanks for the chance to win it.
Love your self portrait.

Karen said...

Congrats on the new book! I can't wait to get a copy!

scrappingnana said...

Wow, this book looks awesome and just what I need to help me with my coloring skills. I would love to win an autographed copy. Thanks for the chance.

zehra said...

Wow, this is amazingly beautiful, love it thanks for a chance to win, this looks like a awesome book

Alyssa S said...

Wow! this book looks amazing! I can't wait to get my inky fingers on it...thanks for the chance!!

Billie A said...

Great self drawings and hair story. Congratulations on the new book and love your work and can see that this book would help me. I have fabric/clothing issues and people coloring hair, skin I would love to have this book as a good referrence. Thanks for the chance.

Kathi said...

I'd love to see you color that bottom portrait! I love it.

Thanks for the chance to win the new book.

More importantly, thanks for all the wonderful tutorials, tips, and artwork you so freely share with all of us!

Brenda Lee said...

Marianne, thank you so much for this book! I desperately need more guidance on coloring people. I bought the 2 previous guides and would love to add this to my collection. Thank you for the chance at winning it.

Renee G said...

love your blog, thanks for the chance and congrats!

Sallie424 said...

Skin and Hair. Oh my!

Sallie424 said...

Skin and Hair Oh my!

Sallie424 said...

Skin and Hair Oh my!

Sallie424 said...

Sin and Hair Oh my.

Gloria said...

After going through the blogs I can definately say that you do have differnt styles. Each is just as beautiful as the next. Thank you so much for giving me the chance to win this book. I haave enjoyed the other two and look forward to seeing all that is in this one.

Nancy Penir said...

A guide and a cd? I need this! Your self portrait is adorable!

Kathyb said...

Thank you so much for sharing your talents with us. I would love a copy of the book!

Carol said...

I can't wait to get my hands on this book...the previous 2 were fabulous...I can only imagine this one will be as well!

justmeonly said...

I'd love to be the winner of this book!!!

StaceyM said...

I was so excited when I heard this book was coming out. :)

Darlene L said...

I would love the opportunity to win this fabluous book.

Delo said...

I love the first two booksand have learned a lot with them, so I am excited to get the third one to see where it takes me.

Unknown said...

HA! I love your original self portrait. I'm not talented enough to draw my self portrait, but I do hate looking at photos of myself, so it's kinda similar, right?! Thanks for the chance to win!

Janina said...

Awesome hop!! would love to win a copy of this book!! Will have to go and buy book 1 and 2 now!! love that its available for download!!

StampinwithAloha said...

Oh my gosh! I love your blog as I am new to Copics. I'm hoping to take a class with you if you come out to Southern California! I cannot call myself an illustrator - I just enjoy coloring - a self-portrait of me would be a stick figure (well a fatter stick figure!0. Thank you for the chance to win a signed copy of your book!

Carly said...

so cool! I love it! wow a self portrait .. what a great idea.

Thank you for a chance to win the new book .....

xoxo Carly

Unknown said...

Can't wait to get a copy of this book.

Donna said...

I am just getting started with Copics but practice makes perfect and that's what I'd like to be with coloring. I'd love a copy of your newest book! Thanks for the inspiration!

EmbossingQueen said...

I love your self portrait. Wouldn't we all love to have the time to lay on the floor colouring to our hearts content? Thankyou for the amazing images you share with us through your blog and books. Congratulations on the new book, I have learnt so much from the last two. Thank you for the chance of winning a copy of the new book!

Cheryl said...

THIS is the book I've been wanting for the longest time! Thanks for putting it together, and congrats on it's publication!

Anja said...

Oh, I would love to win this new Copic Coloring Guide (really loved level 1+2!).
Hugs, Anja

Dana Desmond said...

What an awesome book. There's a style in here for everyone. Love it.

Peggy said...

Even though you don't like self-portraits, you are good at them. Would love to win the book and learn to color the right way.
God bless,
Peggy Allen

Patricia St Martin said...

Great job on your self portraits so much fun. Congratulations on the book. Can not wait to get mine.
Hugs, Patricia

Unknown said...

I loved books 1and 2! Can't wait to get book 3!

Sherry said...

Wow great self-portraits you have a cool sense of humor. Would love to win this book thanks for giving me the chance

Anonymous said...

I am so excited to have this book available! People are often featured in my work, so I look forward to having more instruction and practice on making the images even more realistic. I have learned so much from the previous 2 books - I think your series is invaluable.

Patti J said...

Ha ha...I have to laugh at your three-fingered image! Several years ago, I free-handed an angel looking out a window, in our sunroom. I was pretty proud of it. Then DS came for Christmas break, and said, "mom, do you realize that your angel has 5 fingers and a thumb on one hand?" Guess what - she still does! Love your images, and can't wait to get this book! How thrilling if it was signed by you! Thanks for the chance to win, and Congrats!

KellyRae said...

What a hoot! LOVE your self-portraits but especially the three-fingered dart-throwing portrait lol. Thanks for the chance to win an autographed copy of this newest coloring guide.

Some Lucky Dog said...

Love your portrait! Thanks for the chance to win this cook, I'm anxious to own it!

someluckydog at gmail dot com

Dianal said...

Great blog hop ... so many beautiful works of art. Looking forward to book 3 and than you for the opportunity to win a signed copy of this new book.

Jeri said...

Thank you so much for sharing your talent! I love to follow your blog, as it is so informative. You bring gentleness and kindness to your colored images and the way you teach use your techniques. Thank you!

Kristi said...

Can't wait to get my hands on this book.
kidshomelove at

Allison Cope said...

Congrats on your latest publication Marianne! Your blog first inspired me to try Copic Markers and I've been stuck on them ever since! Thanks for all your beautiful inspirations and sharing your talent. We truly appreciate it!

Allison Cope said...

Congrats on your latest publication Marianne! Your blog first inspired me to try Copic Markers and I've been stuck on them ever since! Thanks for all your beautiful inspirations and sharing your talent. We truly appreciate it!

Marla said...

What an amazing book. I LOVE Copic markers but don't feel like I am very good at coloring or shading because I dont have an art background. Thanks for a chance to learn and become better!!

Margaret said...

Congrats on the new book, I love your coloring and have learned a lot following you.

Bende said...

I love your self portrait, you look so happy just laying there coloring with your copics.


Willsnan said...

I ;ove these books and would love the chance to win the latest one.

Sabrina said...

I love your self portrait. That is how I like to color too!

M.J. Rutledge said...

So excited about your new book. Would love a copy of a signed one. Thanks!

gjrmjw at msn dot com

Stephanie said...

Neat chance to win this book - I have both of the other books (Both nicely done). Thanks

Unknown said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win this book! I love your self portraits!

Stephanie said...

Your Copic coloring books have been very helpful. Thanks for the chance to win.

Jan Castle said...

Thank you Marianne for the chance to win!!! So appreciate your sketches and tutorials!
Paper Hugs,

Ddmac58 said...

I love this new book and can't wait to practice coloring with it. Everyone has done a beautiful job on it. I also want to thank your for the great training on your blog and in your classes.

Anonymous said...

These books are all on my Christmas list! Thanks for publishing such a great collection of books for us crafters. They are truly amazing. Great work!

Darlene G said...

Hoping to win....thanks for the chance.

Darlene G said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cathy Y said...

I love your cartoon self-portraits! And I'd love to have your latest book!

PJ said...

Congratulations on book 3!! I love your self-portraits, hoot! Thanks for the chance to win a copy.

Anonymous said...

I stumbled across this blog about 3weeks and have found it extremely helpful! :) I just wanted to say thank you!

Julia said...

Love your blog! You are such an inspiration!

Ann said...

Looks like a great book. Can't wait to have my own copy!

Janine said...

Great to see those self portrait pics especially the darts one. Thanks for the chance to win the book.

Nikki said...

lol At the darts you did a beautiful job colouring them and what a fantastic hop :) thanks for the chance hugs Nikki C

Gloria Westerman said...

To funny!!!! Congratulation!!! Such beautiful coloring!!!!! love this image.and your image of yourself.......thanks for sharing...

BeverlyBL said...

At least you can draw a self portrait and be at your own mercy. I liked your younger image. Can't wait to see the book.

Julia said...

Congrats !!!!

Adorable self portrait. The book will be great, but signed will be terrific, good-luck everyone.

Tracy said...

I envy your ability to draw. :-) Congratulations on the new book!

Danie said...

the book looks fantastic, thanks for the chance to win a copy
danie xx

Opal said...

Congrats on your publication of this cute image. She looks so relaxed and enjoying her coloring; wish we could all look like that. Beautiful coloring and shading. Hope I can win this new book and improve my coloring and shading.

dan said...

Your self portrait is so funny, I like it very much, I would love to have the new coloring guide signed and I would appreciate to colour like you do with those marvelous Copics

FerrellGraph-x said...

Oh Marianne I would still have to buy another book because one autogrphed by you would be priceless! So exciting! I'm swooning!
Kindest regards,
Jennifer Ferrell

Linda Osterwise, DT said...

Marianne - I love your self-portraits (past and present). thanks for giving us the opportunity to color in your latest portrait. I'm glad the new book is available.

Cindy H. said...

Congrats on your new book, Copics Coloring Guide Level 3: People! Love books 1 & 2 - they're so beautifully done and soooo helpful. Thanks for the chance to win an autographed copy of your latest book.

ehbost said...

Thank you for sharing you talent. I would love learning new techniques and using this resourse. Much continued inspirations and TFTOTW!

Kim said...

Congrats on your new book. I would love to be able to learn new coloring techniques. Thanks for a chance to win.

Playing with Paper said...

This new book looks awesomeeee. I need help with my coloring that's for sure. Congrats and thank you for a chance to win a copy!

T Young said...

Thank you thank you for the chance to win. Looks like an amazing book :)

Helen L said...

Thanks for sponsoring this blog hop! I'm almost all the way through it and have really enjoyed it so far. I have book #2 and now can't wait to see book #3! Great job!!

Angie said...

This book looks amazing! Your self portrait throwing darts made me giggle :D

Kathy JH said...

So excited about this book! And I love your self portraits - especially the last one!

Rebecca Ednie said...

I'd love to win a copy. I need to work on my hair colouring.

Maire Gamber said...

I love your wonderful sketch! You know I am a fan of your wonderful coloring! I have book one and two and I can hardly wait to get my hands on book 3!
Thank you too for all the tutorials you do on your blog. I love the pumpkin tutorial!

Maire Gamber said...

edntyal 56

Maire Gamber said...


Maire Gamber said...

I love your sketch and coloring! thank you for your wonderful tutorials! I love the pumpkin tutorial you recently posted.
I have your first two books - I can hardly wait to get my hands on # 3!

scrappinpeg said...

Wow I always enjoy your images that you give to us. Your coloring is always awesome. I've love to win a copy of the new tutorial coloring book. Thanks for a chance...
Peggy B.

Unknown said...

I am such a fan of yours! I can't wait to see the book!!! Patty

cutiephinphin said...

Congrats!! I always love looking at how you color in your projects. Would love to win this book since I'm a Copic newbie. Thanks for the chance.

gail said...

Cant believe this is the 3rd book already.. I hope to get it so I can polish up my skin and hair coloring. Thanks for sharing

Elaine said...

Very excited for the new book! Congratulations!

Charo said...

I am looking forward to this book to see new coloring techniques! said...

Do you really color on the floor??? Anyway, love your honesty and just wanted you to know how helpful you have been to all of us, and thank you for the chance to win a copy! Congratulations of your newest publication!!

christi said...

i love all of the tutes you have on your site. and your humor just makes me roll. congrats on the book and i so hope i win. i can use all the help ouit there.

Kimberly Monaghan said...

Apparently I have been hiding under a rock because this is the first time I have seen your blog. You are very talented and I look forward to seeing more of your work!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see the book -- love your self portraits.

Tina W. (TeaDub) said...

Awesome...can't wait to check out a copy of this great reference book! Thanks for a chance to win!

BrendaB said...

I think your self portraits are fabulous!

Karen said...

So excited to get a copy of the newest book. Thanks for the fun blog hop and offering a chance to win a copy.

In paper heaven said...

Ha! Ha! Your self portraits are fabulous and your coloring is wonderful that"s why I would love to win this guide. It would be great to be able to color like this. Thanks for the oportunity

Diane said...

Would absolutely love a copy of this book. Love your self portraits. Thanks for the chance to win.

Scrappin Simply with Shannon said...

What talent you have! So jealous! Can't wait to get a book!

Pam said...

Thanks for all the hard work you've put into this guide. I would be so thrilled to have a copy signed by you.

Flo said...

Love the first two guides. Can't wait to get this one too.

Diane said...

What a fun hop! The book looks marvelous. Thank you for the chance to win a copy.

lennie said...

I would love to win a copy of the book, thanks for the chance!

d'Dragon said...

I always love your drawings (& coloring!). Already bought the book - love it - but it would be fantastic to have a signed copy!

Cowgirlscrapper said...

Would love to get a copy. Nice drawing, Great book.

disneylisa said...

I would totally hate doing a self portrait. I guess that's one thing about not being published anywhere, no one needs one from me. :)

Thanks so much for the hop. It was great fun and I could certainly use some instruction in using my pens better.

anna_chronistic said...

Ha! Love the dart-throwing image! This book looks like it'll be a great, detailed tutorial. Crossing my fingers that I win a copy! And if not, I'll need to schedule a visit to my LSS!

Jenny said...

Such cute images :) Thanks for the chance to win. Jen x

Decosse's Dynamite Doodles said...

Wow. Congratulations on yet another book filled with information to help those of us just starting out with copic markers. Thank you so much for the opportunity to win this oh-so-awesome book!!! Oh and just a quick thanks for the freebies you post. They are very appreciated too!
Lisa D.

Debbie Brackett said...

Great job on the book! Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy!

Lizzy said...

I have this on order in the UK, due around November ish! My goodness you are a true inspiration to us all. It's wonderful tutors like you and your team that keep the rest of us going.. thank you..xx

Unknown said...

I love all your coloring books and thanks for a chance to win this one

Lisa said...

WOW! Can't wait for the book! Thank you for giving us a chance to win a copy of it

blizzardstripes said...

Thanks for the chance to win this awesome book. Love all your helpful tips

Jodi said...

Wowzers... what amazing inspiration. Thanks so much for sharing all your talents with us.
Keep on creating!

alexisssantoro said...

Such a wonderful job! I love the images and the shading- including the shadow behind her!

Scrappellen said...

Hi you, queen of coloring!!:)
Congratulations! I don't do a lot of hops , but this one..I would love to learn more coloring from you girls..and this great book!:)
Your image is wonderful and I am very excited about this book!
I would be so honored to have a book signed by you!:)
Crafty hugs, ellen

Anonymous said...

Congratulations and thanks for the chance to win coloring book #3, I have#1&2. This would be great addition.

Marge said...

Amazing work, as always!!! LOVE that you're doing these books as I NEED the help; would be thrilled to win!!!

Amy Pitts said...

Ohhh a people book. I cannot wait to add this to my collection. Thank you for the chance to win a copy.

Anonymous said...

I love your tutorials and have a copy of the second book (and love it), but I just can't seem to get my faces to look this book is a must have! Thanks for the chance to win!

Winnie said...

Thank you so much for the chance to win that cool shirt! Very fun!

Crafteezee said...

Hi Marianne, I think your first portrait would be me too, in an ideal world and if I didn't have to work. Like you I'm always in a rush and should of done it the week before too, lol. Awesome work as usual, can't wait to see the book. Thanks for the opportunity. Would be fabulous to win a signed copy.
Hugs Tracy x

Shari said...

Marianne, so excited for book # 3, wow this hop was amazing, looking forward to seeing the book in person as these pictures in the hop are gorgeous!

Thank you so much for the chance to win a copy!


Heidi said...

Thanks for the chance to win this book!

Lueyes said...

This looks like a great book and it would be so useful!

Charo said...

Great book! Looking forward to this book!

neuma54 said...

I can hardly wait to see this new resource!!