Kansas City will open up next Monday to the general public, so let us know if you can come October 9 or 10th, Kansas City MO. Space is limited, but we would love to see you!
This week I will be mailing out applications to anyone who is on my mailing list for the Vancouver BC or Seattle WA classes coming in early November.
Copic certification classes are open to any store owners, teachers, or designers in the papercrafting industry. I am always collecting names for mailing lists, so if you want to be notified of upcoming classes in your area, just send me a quick e-mail. These mailing lists also help me justify a class in your area, so if you know of people who would be interested then have them e-mail us as well. Let me know if you have access to a classroom in your area.
Possible locations for 2009:
Canada- Toronto, Calgary, Vancouver BC
East Coast- Westport CT, Rochester NY, Florida
Central- Denver CO, Salt Lake City UT, Phoenix AZ, Dallas TX
West- L.A. (CHA), Portland OR, San Francisco CA

Here is my basic outline. Remember, these classes are geared around papercrafters who will go out and be teaching or sharing these techniques to others. We don't have time to cover all of my little tips and techniques that I share with you here on the blog, just the most frequently asked questions that come up during classes. This is an opportunity to get hand's on Copic training that you can take and share with others.
Copic Certification Topics
I. Introduction
Why are alcohol inks special?
permanent on many surfaces • smooth colors • doesn’t cause paper to “pill”
Why are copic markers special?
Quality, durability, flexibility, lifetime guarantee
universal features (color system, low-odor)
1. Product Overview
Different Marker types &
why one is better /different than another,
what are they each used for • Copic, Sketch, Ciao, Wide
Multiliners • Airbrushing • Spica & Other accessories
2. Choosing papers & Inks
Different Papers, different coloration
basic cardstock • soft vs. hard papers • vellum • watercolor paper
qualities to look for in diff. inks (pigment vs. dye vs. solvent)
heat-setting • embossing • troubleshooting ink problems
3. Coloring
before you color- protect your surface
Basic Coloring Techniques
Smooth Colors • Large areas
Shading & Blending
marker + marker on paper • feathering • marker tip to marker tip • marker on palette
The Colorless Blender
lightening with the blender • fading to white • patterns
Copic Color Theory
picking color combos, what the numbers mean • color wheel, color chart
warm vs. cool • how shadows work • using the number system in your projects
4. Inks, Airbrushing, and Altering Everything
Set-up & Parts • Masking tools & techniques
Inks & Special Effects
inks directly on surfaces • faux stone
Altered Items (everything but paper)
Plastic • metal • fabric • airbrushing accents (flowers, etc) • embellishments- ribbon, brads, etc.
5. Miscellaneous
- Refilling Marker Guide
Cleaning and marker Care- storage, etc.
Q & A
Ooooh, I hope you do the Dallas class!!! (or better yet, Austin!) :-) I'll email you to get on your mailing list!
How about coming to Springfield, Illinois? :0)
Indianapolis, IN; Louisville, KY; Nashville, TN or Knoxville, TN (that is a bit far for me, but my sister and mom live there!)
I hope I get to take this class someday, if only just to meet you!
St. Louis would work for me, too. I am not sure how far Springfield would be for me, but could consider that, too!
Please, please, please do Phoenix! I want to do the one at CHA, but I am due to have a baby Dec 15th, and I am not even sure I will make it there, so Phoenix would be wonderful!!!
Yep....I'm with Amanda! Phoenix is a MUST!! My name should already be on the list...and if you need more names just let me know!!
I would totally make the trip to Calgary (or better yet Saskatoon SK - now THAT would be perfect!) to take the class. I love my Copics :)
As I've said before, if there is anything I can do to help get a class in Calgary in the very near future, please let me know!!!
Another vote for Calgary here!
I'm with Nancy anything for Calgary - Nancy and I will even entertain you while in Calgary we live 5 minutes apart.
we need something in the Michigan area-the real midwest area-or dvds or online classes. We are always left out here. boo hoo.
I am trying to get to the West Coast... Oregon and Central California areas. I'd love to go to Winter CHA and take the certification there.
HOPE that helps!
I think you should come to Hawaii since we are "sddicted to these Copics". It would be a great time for you since the weather is quite warm here. We promise to take you to the beach....(hee hee)
hi, Do you know if are certification classes in Europe ?
I live in Netherlands.
thanks for posting all these great leassons :)
Dallas Dallas Dallas PLEASE -- we have a number of ladies in Dallas that would attend!
I would LOVE to see a certification class in Dallas!!
I vote for DALLAS!!! I would love to attend if you come through here!!!
Dallas would be AWESOME. I am sure tons of girls around here would love to go.
Denver would be AWESOME! Please, please come!
I'm looking for you to come to St. Louis. I've become one of your biggest fans! If you went to Springfield, IL, I'd even be willing to go there. But, you need another one in the midwest and St. Louis would be ideal!
djojmv71How about something in the deep South, like GA or AL.
I am hoping on a Toronto Class. For sure I will be signing up-and I have one or two friends who are interested too. Keep us posted.
I hope you come to Toronto. I would luv to come to your class.
Oh gosh, I would love to attend a class. Near Knoxville, TN or Sevierville, TN.
Saskatoon, SK!! Please, PLEASE, pretty please????
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