I was cleaning off my desk and I noticed that I missed a blog post about one of my new books, Intro to Coloring With Copic Markers.

All the books in the Coloring Foundations series are full color and include text in both English and Spanish. Tutorial images and blank color charts are in the back of each book, ready to be photocopied onto good marker paper.
You can purchase a copy of Intro to Coloring With Copic Markers from the Copic website, or
you can also choose to get an autographed copy of Intro to Coloring with Copic Markers.
Better yet, why don't you leave a comment here on my bog for a chance to win your very own autographed copy?! I'll draw a winner on Wednesday next week. (Limited to residents of US and Canada only, sorry!)
I had a lot of fun writing this book, and I tried to fill it with as many useful things as I could. I hope you find it helpful in your creative process. Good luck winning a copy!

I would so love to win this! I have been wanting to get my feet wet with copics but have no idea how to begin. Thank you.
Oh wow, looks like a great book! I love the cat with fish image. Thanks for the chance to win it!
I am a beginner with a few copics - my 9 year old daughter is intrigued by them and wants me to teach her. This book would be a great learning tool for both of us!
I have been self-teaching myself copics, so this book would certainly speed up the process. Great looking book!
I think this book will be a must for anyone who uses Copics! I love coloring books but this one will be perfect for me so I can get better and more confident using my Copics!
This looks like a great book. I'm pretty much self-taught so could certainly use some good tips.
I've learned so much from your blog over the years! and lately I've been helping some ladies who are new to Copics. This book would be a great resource for me and them!
Congratulations on your book - looks awesome - thank you for the opportunity to win it!
Oh yeah.. You have a new book! Congrats!! I could really use some of your great tips
Perfect! I am about to retire from my job and the first thing on my bucket list is to really learn to use Copics correctly. Some of the things I see just blow me away and I want to learn to color like that. Thanks for your help in learning new things!
I would love this book. I have been wanted to try coloring and this looks like the perfect way to start
I would love to win this book. Your talent and knowledge is inspiring! I have not used Copic markers but would love to learn more about them.
Your new book looks wonderful! There's nothing that excites me in the craft world quite like Copics and the absolute satisfaction achieved with a job well done! I've only been playing with Copics for the past year, so I have quite a ways to go with learning different processes. I'd love to win your book!!
I'm a big fan of this blog and Marianne! The instructions and tips/tricks are clear: they get easier to implement with regular practice coloring. The use and mention of color theory can be intimidating or trigger PTSD for art students/majors. The flow in Marianne's tutorials/writing make even stressful attempts at copying her just disappear. Thanks for a chance to win the autographed book :-)
I love your books, this one looks fabulous! Thanks for your great blog with so much helpful info!
Have all your books and love each and every one. Can't wait to get this new addition to your wonderful series.
Oh Marianne... I'm a huge blog stalker of yours lol. Have learned so much from you and the rest of your caring, sharing and generous team. Would be honoured to receive an autographed copy of your book and follow through the lessons to grow my love and techniques colouring with Copics!
Love your blog. I've been following from the beginning, and printed out most of the tutorials. Would love to win this book. Thanks for the opportunity.
I'm so intrigued with your drawings and use of copics . I love the dimension , depth you are able to create to make something look so "real"
Love your blog and your books! Thank you for sharing your talent with us!
Congratulations on a wonderful book! I love your tutorials, books and blog. You've helped my "artistic" side come alive! Thank you!
WOW!! Another must have book!! I can't wait to get my hands on a copy of your book!!
I am self-taught with Copics. I would love to learn some new techniques that will help me develop more skill on complicated pieces. Thanks for a chance to win. :D
I love your books and would love to win a copy of this one. Thanks
I have followed your blog for a while and you have inspired me tremendously. Your coloring skills with Copics amaze me. I love to learn and your new book sure looks like a "must-have"!
Learning the basics would help me as I struggle to blend colors. Including photos of the images used in the instructions is a great feature! Thanks for a chance to win this book!
I'm new to Copics and struggle with blending. I appreciate the talent now of those who can color, shade and blend with the markers so easily. Thank you for the opportunity!
Would love to have this book. Thanks for the chance to win it.
I attended a wonderful Copic training with Lori in St. Louis, but would love all the help I can get as I learn how to use these fabulous pens. Thanks for writing (drawing) such helpful guides!
Your book is a great help to using Copic markers....I already have mine and recommend it highly!
Paper Hugs,
I love your coloring!
I would love to win this. I am slowly building my Copic marker collection. I have about 12 right now and continue to build. A lot of places I know of are out of stock right now for Copics.
I would love to win a copy of this book. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and inspiration.
How generous of you to offer your Copic Coloring book; would love to win it and improve on my Copic coloring on my cards.
Thank you so much for the chance to win of a copy of your book. I know it would be just what I need to help me with my Copic skills. Have a wonderful day and thanks again for the chance,
I can use all the help I can get so thank you for the chance at winning your book. The fact that it is autographed makes it even better!
I would love to have this book. Thank you for the opportunity to win one!
Oh what an amazing offer. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to win such a wonderful gift.
Thank you for sharing your talents in such fun ways. Your book sounds like one I need to enhance my use of Copics. Looking forward to many more helpful hints and tutorials, along with more suggestions using Copics, via your books ad blog.
I would be thrilled to win the book, because I love all your work. If I don't, I'll buy it anyway - I buy all the Copic books & treasure all the tips & techniques!
I have a lot of Copic markers, but I am afraid of them because I do not know how to use them.....Buh. Thank You for the opportunity to win.
I have loved all your books about Copics. I also enjoyed learning from you and Lori in the classes you taught when you came to Phoenix. I can't wait to get this book as well; if I don't win I will still buy it.
Thanks for the chance to win this great book!
How cool would that be to get an autographed copy of this great book! thanks for the chance to win!
Wow, I would love to have an autographed copy of this book! I can't tell you how much I have learned just by reading your blog and trying very hard to master your skills. I think you are so very talented and very generous as well. Thanks for the chance to win your book. How awesome is this? :O) I am hoping one day to get to meet you in person at a show, but for the next year or so, I have to save up and just be happy with the anticipation of it. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend. Thanks again for this chance. Hugs LisaG
I desperately need this book! I'm a newbie to Copics and have so much to learn! Thanks for the opportunity!
I need this book badly!! I could use some guidance with Copics! Maybe I will be lucky on Wednesday!!! š
I could sure use this book as my coloring is very amateurish, childlike almost!! Ha! Thanks for the opportunity of winning an autographed copy!!
I would love some tips on Copic coloring.
Winning this book would help me so much! I have your flowers one but it is a little to advanced for me still. I still need to practice the blends. Thank you for the chance to win.
Id love this book for my 15 yo son who is into manga and wants to use Mom's precious markers!
oh wow. EXACTLY what I need while I practice my coloring. thank you so much for the opportunity to win!
I have all your books and am loving the flowers book along with the stamps and dies. Thanks so much for all your info and tips! Sounds like this book will be a handy reference.
I would love this book. I refer to your books on a regular basis. Many times I print your blog info. I keep it all in a binder to refer to also. Thanks so much for your great inspirations.
PS I bought the Hero Arts kit and love it.
I have no doubt this book is wonderful, I have all the other ones and they are fabulous!
I would love to win this book. It sounds like it is just what I need to get me coloring more.
Congratulations on your book - looks awesome - thank you for the opportunity to win!
Thanks so much for the opportunity. I love your books. ššš
Ahhh! This is so awesome! What a great resource to have thanks for the chance!
Thanks for the chance to win! Your books are really halpful!
cant wait to reads! i would love to win.(:
I'm addicted to Copics and love all the books that are already available to help in creating beautiful projects. I'd love to win this new one. Thanks for the offer.
What an honor to receive your book with your autograph!!! Thanx for the chance!
Thanks for a chance to win your newest Copic instruction book. I learn more each time I get to view one. It would be great to own this one!
Great book. i would love to win!
Such acute kitty that I would love to color if I win a book! Thank you for the giveaway :)
Love a chance to get this great copic book! Thank you!
Your instructions and creativity are amazing. I would love to win one of your books. If I don't win I'll purchase it too! Thanks for the chance!
Looks like a great book! I'm new to Copics and will definitely add this book to my wish list.
I definitely could use this. I need all the help I can get!
Your books are always so helpful, Marianne! Thanks for the chance to win a copy of your new book.
This book looks great! Thanks for the opportunity to win....
Have a great week
I would love to learn how to color with Copics!
Thanks for the chance to win! Your books are always helpful!
I love all the Copic tutorial books and eagerly look for more to come out. I am so excited that there is another one that will provide hints and tips. I would be thrilled to win this book! Thanks for providing the "Copic world" another means of learning visually.
The book looks good. Coloring is such a big thing now.
Wow. I have been looking at the Copic Tutorial books recently and have been wanting to try them. Recently, I purchased a few packages of the Copic markers and I really enjoy them. I started looking for tutorials to increase my skill with the various coloring tools. I know there is a lot more than just laying down color. The world is more than just flat. lol I would be honored to be chosen for this book. The possibilities would be exciting. I am a vocalist and for me, it would be like transforming my art from a solo to a duet to a choral piece.
What a great giveaway! I would love to win this and get started coping again! Thanks for the chance
I am very new to using Copics but I am loving them, so far I have 20 Copic sketch markers! I would love love to win your book, it would be so very helpful to me. Thank you for the opportunity to win this awesome giveaway!
Wow, I really would alove your book. I am getting started with Copics and I know it would be full of information I need!
I'm looking forward to this book and would love to win a copy! thanks!
I would <3 this!!!!!!
I can't even express how excited I am at the chance to meet you at FanExpo Dallas!
Love, love, love anything copics!
Wow - this looks like another great book. Sure would like to win a copy.
I have your other books, would love to add this to my library! Thanks for the chance to win, Marianne!
I would love to win your newest book. I follow your blog and have learned so much and your new book would be a welcomed collection to my library as I have all your other books. Thanks so much for the chance to win.
I am just starting with Copics and desparately need your book! Hope I win!
I'm probably too late to enter this contest, but I would really love to get this, and all the books on coloring with copics. I have only recently discover them and only have a few. I'm leaning what I can from the internet, but really need something more tangible to practice with to help me really learn it. Unfortunately, this is not a pastime I can really afford, but it brings me such pleasure and relief from my otherwise difficult and painful life.
I would also LOVE to WIN your book, I have completed every class but have never had the opportunity of meeting you, perhaps one day! I sure miss Sherri I looked forward to her visit every year.
Love all your books and the videos, keep on keeping on, you are my leader when it comes to copics and picking me up with something new technique.
Loved your video from comic con, my daughter and I entered and won a competition in Calgary Alberta Canada a few years ago, that was a Blast!
Ooh! can I have a chance to win your book? I really want to know the good tips, I just got a set of copic markers, i'm a beginner. I am 11 years old, and a multimedea artist. I hope i Can win!
I'd love to have my own copy of one of your books. Any tips or techniques for using the Copic markers is awesome!
Thanks so much for this chance to win.
Nice blog with good content,thanks for sharing.
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