New Copic Website
Have you looked at the Copic website recently? If not, go check it out!! We have a completely new, redesigned website, just crammed with great photos, useful information, and some amazing interviews and tutorials...with new stuff being added every day.
Look around, let us know what you think, and learn something new about your Copic Markers. Check out the Copic blog, and download literature. The new 2011 catalog will be up in about a week, so check back for that as well.

I have been so busy with CHA and the final changes to the Shadows & Shading book that I realized it's been a while since I blogged. I'll try to get a tutorial up later this week, for drawing pretty fluffy clouds in a bright blue background. Meanwhile, time to update everyone on Certification classes coming this spring in North America. These classes are filling very fast, so sign up right away if you are interested in attending. Classes open to registration two months before they take place.
March 6, Sacramento, CA taught by Jennie Black Almost full!
March 14th Edmonton, Canada, taught by Sherrie Siemens Almost full!
March 19th St Louis, MO taught by Lori Craig Open to stores and Designers
March 25th, Milwaukee, WI taught by Debbie Olson Open to stores and Designers
April 10th, Phoenix, AZ taught by Jennie Black Open to stores and Designers
April 27th, Charlotte, NC taught by Colleen Schaan Opens soon
May TBA, Columbus, OH taught by Colleen Schaan Opens soon
May TBA, Pensacola, FL taught by Colleen Schaan Opens soon
May 22, San Diego, CA taught by Jennie Black Opens soon
May 28th, Toronto, Canada taught by Sherrie Siemens Opens soon
Intermediate Papercrafting Certification classes are doing great! We had a wonderful, enthusiastic bunch of papercrafters attend the class in L.A. last month. Remember, these classes are open to ANYONE who has taken the standard Certification class, and who wants to learn how to color and design more like an artist. The Phoenix Intermediate class is filling very fast, so if you are interested in that location sigh up ASAP!!
April 11th, Phoenix, AZ taught by Debbie & Colleen Filling fast!!
May, TBA Columbus, OH taught by Debbie Olson Opens soon
May, TBA Minneapolis, MN taught by Debbie Olson Opens soon
To register for any of these classes or to download class info, please check our Certification page on the Copic Website. If you have any questions, please e-mail Nancy@copicmarker.com for details.
Other events
Feb. 19-20 I will be demoing at the Oregon Asian Celebration in Eugene, OR in the Youth Art Room.
Feb. 25th, Jerry's Artarama, West Orange, NJ. I will be demoing from about 12pm until 4pm, so stop in and say hi, and bring your marker questions.
March 4th, Book Signing Event, DIVA gallery, Eugene OR. Ken O'Connell, president of Imagination International, Inc (Distributor for Copic Markers in North America and my boss) will be signing his book Sketching with Copic, while I will be signing my book Shadows & Shading, A beginner's guide to lighting placement. You can purchase copies of both books at the event. Come party with us and have a great time, from about 5:30 until 8:30pm! Note: DIVA Gallery has moved up two blocks to the corner of Broadway & Lincoln.
Wish I could visit Oregon for the book signing but I live in Virginia so it won't be possible -- where can I buy a copy of your book, "Shadows and Shading"?
New website looks awesome! My Intermediate Application is sent in for Phoenix! woohoo!!!
You can order the new book through your local Copic supplier. They will be available after March 4th.
I would love to take the intermediate class in Minnesota. :) My son is getting married on May 14....please don't make it that day! :)
When are you coming to Michigan for the intermediate class?? Please, Please, Please!!
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