Monday, March 7, 2016

Hero Arts card project

Basic color blends
I am so excited to be sharing these fun, exclusive Hero Arts kits! These little pictures, stamp set, and book were so much fun to draw and color. Each of the provided 1/4 page panels are printed on high-quality X-Press It Blending Card, meaning your artwork will pop when colored with Copic Markers!

For this project, I chose the 1/4 pg panel "Beauty is a light in the heart" These flowers are sort of like poppies, but not really. However, I decided I wanted to work with a vibrant, red-orange color scheme, similar to what you might find on poppies.

Whenever I color flowers, I tend to color the greenery first, and this project was no exception. I started with a smooth base of YG11, then gradually went in and darkened each leaf with YG13 and YG17.

I tried to pay close attention to the veins on the leaves, the shadows between leaves, and the dark areas where the flowers stand out from the leaves. I left the main view of each leaf lighter, as I knew that later on I would be adding more tones over the top.

I finished the leaves with dark accents of G28. Then I added a blue outline to the image with B32. I know I've said this many times on my blog, but contrast is key! Because I have a range of tones from the really light YG11 all the way to the very dark G28, I have a great range of contrast and the leaves are much more dynamic.

The pale blue border pulls everything together. Usually I would add the blue last, but I went outside the lines a little, and the pale blue covers/pushes those mistakes out of the way, so that you don't really notice them as much.

Next I worked on the flowers. I started by coloring the centers with Y02. Then, I colored the petals with YR12. I also added a faint ring around the yellow portion in the center with the YR12 and blended that out, just to give a little dimension.

I colored each flower with YR12, then I darkened it with R05 and added extra contrast with hints of R29. I was careful to darken under each folded petal so those looked more interesting and dimensional.

I think the red really helps the orange pop off the page more, though I worked with a very orange red (R05) so that it was not changing the tone too much. Also keeping the centers a pure, vibrant yellow as much as possible makes the petals look really sharp.

I finished up coloring all the flowers, then I came back with B32 and continued the border around each bloom. I also wanted to add more color depth to the green leaves, so I took the same B32 and added a faint overlay to the shadow areas of the leaves. You can see it in the stems on each leaf. Cool colors, like blue, help make these areas softer and feel more like they are in shadows.

The tips of the leaves I warmed up with a faint layer of Y02. You can barely see it, but it makes those leaves feel more like they are catching the sun. I know it's subtle, but it does help to make the overall piece look more dynamic.

Last, I colored the text with YG11, YG13, and G28. I added a faint blue shadow to each letter on the left side using the B32. This just gives it a hint more dimension.

And, though it doesn't show up on the scanner, I took a peach Spica glitter pen and colored over all the flower petals. Now, in certain light, each flower shimmers. I love how easy this project was and how beautiful it came out. My goal in drawing these cards for you ,was to help you have beautiful results easily, so let me know how it goes with your own project.

I hope each of you has as much fun coloring these as I have had! Now, I encourage you to go visit the rest of our fabulous team members to check out the other awesome creations for this monthly Hero Kit by Hero Arts Blog hop.


terriavidreader (IN-USA) said...

Gorgeous, as usual.

Jenniferk said...

Your colouring is beautiful. Thank you for the great instruction, for a beginner like me it is so helpful!

Juilien Jiang said...

The coloring is wonderful! I enjoyed your awesome blog, there are lots of information and instruction about Copic markers.

Janie said...

Beautiful. Awesome kit.

Denise Bryant said...

Gorgeous! Love the idea of these fun panels! Can't wait to try them out! Awesome kit!

SpindleandDistaffCreations said...

Love these flowers and how you've shaded them!

Jill said...

So pretty.....

Donna Oates said...

Thanks for the step-by-step look at the process. so beautiful!

Bunny said...

I love that you used my favorite one to do a tutorial on. Beautiful colors.

Elise Smith said...

Thanks for sharing this tutorial. Your coloring is beautiful! I love the flowers and ombre sentiment!

Brithzi said...

Thank you for providing this tutorial. Beautiful project.

Kathy Mc said...

Such a beautiful, photo-laden end post. Your coloring and shadowing is fabulous!

Nora Noll said...

Oh wow!! Thank you so much for the coloring tips. The image is lovely!!

Cindy C. said...

Beautiful colouring!! Thanks for the wonderful tutorial!

Debbie Rumpza said...

I love the coloring on this card!

stampwithsandy said...

Thank you for the great tutorial! Love your coloring!

Paula Fuller said...

I am so excited about the cards in this new kit along with the stamp set and dies. I can't wait for mine to arrive. Just love it. I have been playing with Copics for some time now, but am still a beginner. Looking forward to taking a class some day.

Thalia said...

Great tutorial, can't wait to try out new techniques.

Sue McRae said...

Thanks for sharing all your wonderful tips with us!

Kailash said...

Love all the tips and ideas you shared, thanks so much for the inspiration!!!

Karen L K said...

Fun thanks for the color tips and I love the images you drew!

Lindarub said...

Thanks for sharing how you did your flowers.

cindybearj said...

Beautiful! I love the tutorial as I am a beginner with Copics. Thank you so much.

judy said...

Your coloring is beautiful and the tutorial is very helpful!

Nandini said...

Thanks for the detailed instructions. Hopefully I will have the courage to start now!

Sarah said...

Lovely and colorful. Its nice to see your thought process and how the color gets laid down. TFS

Chark said...

thanks for the walkthru--beautiful coloring!

SmokieBlueRose said...

Thank you so much for a very detailed and thorough lesson!! I'm so thankful you said this could work with other mediums as I am not ready for Copic markers yet.

SmokieBlueRose said...

Thank you so much for a very detailed and thorough lesson!! I'm so thankful you said this could work with other mediums as I am not ready for Copic markers yet.

haemma said...

So very beautiful, and so inspirational as well!! Thank You!

gabriella said...

Great tutorial. I get tired of watching so many videos, so this was nice. Thank you

Carol H. said...

I love this image and especially how you've colored it!

Unknown said...

Wow, beautiful card! The flowers are so pretty!

Unknown said...

Beautiful, I love how you tied the green into the sentiment. I have never tried Xpress-it paper, might have to try it.

Unknown said...

Such beautiful blending of colors. I especially love the blue around the flowers and leaves.

Bianca said...

Beautiful card! And so nice the step-by-step you showed us, Thanks!

Lotte said...

You make Copic colouring look so easy, such lovely flowers.

Sabrina said...

Beautiful coloring and thank you for the tutorial!! I always struggle with coloring flowers!

Renee V said...

This is why I want your flower book - such awesome tips!

Carol Ric said...

Beautiful coloring. Thanks for the lesson.

Becca Yahrling said...

Beautiful card and a lovely sentiment!

Michele K. Henderson said...

Beautiful tutorial! Thanks for the inspiration!
Take care!

Kate B said...

Just gorgeous! You make it seem so easy & I can't wait to try! I love the blue border, it really does make the flowers pop off the page!

Linda Batson said...

You make it all seem so easy to do. Thanks for the tips and your example with all those photos is awesome.

Unknown said...

Your coloring is so awesome, Thanks for sharing your great talent.

Sharon Roselli said...

Wow never would of thought to add the B32 to the stems it really does add so much depth to them. Beautiful coloring, Really want this kit.

BeckyR71 said...

Beautiful kit and add-ons you have designed. Just ordered mine. Thank you for the tips.

Kelley said...

Thank you for the coloring tips. I'm looking forward to color on the X-Press It paper.

Elaine said...

How nice to have pre-printed panels; one can just jump in and start coloring! Love that the sentiment can be colored along with the flower! Thanks for the tutorial!

Teresa Godines #6857 said...

Beautiful coloring. love the color choices.

Bunny Dobbie said...

Thanks so much for the colouring techniques! I'm still trying to learn how to blend my new Copics. Your colouring is gorgeous. The image is really pretty.

Brandi R said...

Beautiful coloring. Love all your images......gorgeous gorgeous flowers. ♥♥

nancy dempsey said...

Thanks for the coloring tips, especially outlining with the blue marker. Lovely!

Super Stick Chick said...

I have not tried coloring yet, but your tutorial really makes me eager to start.

Sue D said...

Thanks for sharing how you colored this cute image.

Amy C. said...

So very beautiful! This kit is gorgeous!

LC Lamothe said...

Thanks for the wonderful step by step coloring guide! I love how you added the the light blue border around the flowers. It really makes the image pop. I will definitely try this.

Yvonne B. said...

Such a nice tutorial. Your tips are very helpful and I love this floral drawing!

Skrater said...

Thank you for the wonderful tutorial, I am such a beginner and this will help me improve my coloring skills!!

Anonymous said...

Practically perfect in every way.

Linda said...

Beautiful coloring and thank for sharing.

Linda D.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous coloring!!! You are so talented:)

Gretchen Wilson said...

Thanks for sharing your tutorial, I'm still way behind with my copic, yes, practice, practice. Well done!

Kirsty Vittetoe said...

It is a beautiful kit, thanks for the tutorial, the flowers are so pretty.

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for your tutorial. I am looking forward to receiving your book and learning even more.

liz said...

I really want to try comics sometime! They produce such a great result

Unknown said...

Your coloring skills are phenomenal!

RabuƱal Scrapbooking said...


Robin B. said...

I love the beautiful, vibrant colors on this card! Thanks for the inspiration.

Debra said...

Fantastic colors. Thank you for sharing your talent.

Bleuette said...

Nice coloring!

Betty said...

love to color with copics and can always use another lesson - thanks

Janet M said...

This is a good idea. We ca actually practice what is in the book.

karenelr said...

Thank you for sharing your talent and showing us how we can begin to make beautiful scenes with other flowers too--with the right marker combos!

Kim Faucher said...

Really love seeing all the step by steps! I love using copics!!

Barbara-Jean said...

I really appreciate your step by step directions, Marianne. Have gone to classes, but haven't had such patient instruction, nor do I have all the colors you have! You give the incentive to keep at it šŸ˜Š Your flowers are beautiful and the comments that go with them are certainly spirit-lifters and life-givers. Thank you!

Barbara-Jean said...

Am wondering why there's a trash can by my comment posted above?

Mamarazzi Scraps said...

Your coloring is amazing! Thank you so much for the step by step!

Vasudeva said...

Thanks for sharing the fantastic post.
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