Monday, June 1, 2009

Happy 1 Year of Blogging!

Wow, a whole year I have been at this, and my way to finish up this week of celebrations is with more prizes.

See this assortment above? It includes 1 each of all the new Spica Glitter Pen colors, 5 assorted Ciao Markers, and 6 multiliners, all in a sleek, black wallet. Retail value of $80!

I'm giving away 5 of these sets.

Leave a comment on this post between now and 12am Thursday morning for your chance to be entered.

Tell me what the most valuable thing you have learned from my blog this year has been, or what you want to learn, any other suggestions for Copic (colors, new products, etc), or just say hello. It's that easy!

Good Luck!

Come back later today for more prize opportunities and updates on other winners.

• US & Canada only, sorry!
• One entry per person
• Must include a way for me to contact you (e-mail address or blog link)
• After I announce the winner you have one week to contact me or your prize is void and will be passed on to a runner-up.
• If you can't leave a comment you need to set up a Blogger profile. This is super easy and allows you to vote on other blog prizes.


1 – 200 of 774   Newer›   Newest»
Anonymous said...

I learned how to make fun shapes by doodling with my markers!

Lesly said...

I've learned that I "NEED" all of the copics, including the spicas. I have printed out so many of your instructions that if I don't invest some of these soon, I'll need to plant a tree to make up for my printer abuse. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.

Unknown said...

Ooh! Ooh! Pick me! Pick me! I have 3 copic markers so far and I absolutely love them. It's my plan to buy a few every couple of weeks or so. These would be a great start to my collection!!

Barb said...

WOW - how great is this!!! The new spicas!!!

Thanks so much for sharing all your knowledge and wonderful ideas over the last year!!!! You have provided me with so much information, that I sometimes think I'm going to go into overload!!! I look forward to the next year of your wonderful tutorials and insight!!!

jbm said...

I have learned (mostly from this blog) that markers are a much more complicated medium than I initially thought and that this set will allow me to explore that further. Pick me!

Laurie said...

Morning, Marianne. I have learned so much from your blog I couldn't begin to say the most valuable lesson. Congrats on your one year anniversary....keep up the good work!

Jackie said...

Shading and blending, although I still have some practicing to do. I'd like to see a little more about airbrushing, please. Happy Blogaversary!

Marcy said...

Boy I sure could use some new beautiful ways to colorize my pages! Thanks for the opportunity!

Val said...

Congrats on your 1 year of blogging. What a great giveaway! I have learned so many things about Copics from your blog...about paper and ink best used with Copics, about the different "families" of colours, about shading, making little ducks with the brush markers, colouring in general...As you can see, the list is endless as to what I have learned this past year. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL THE INFORMATION!! You are the best!!!

Robin said...

I learned how to shade and make things "pop" off the page. Thanks so much for the chance to win.

Susie said...

What a great prize! Your the one with the anniversary... you're the one who should be getting a gift. :) I only wish I had been around for the last year!

Happy Blogaversary!

Susan Wardzala said...

This is a great prize. I have been playing with my Copics, but now that the stores are starting to offer classes, I hope to really "Do" things with them.


Karin said...

Congrats on your one year anniversary!

I love, love, love my Copics but I just can't find the spicas anywhere near me :(.

I love coming to your blog for inspiration, you constantly amaze me with your talents!

Nicole Maki said...

Thank you for providing such a resource to those of us who want to learn the art of using markers.

Happy One Year Blog Anniversary.

I've learned a lot about shading.

grandmalee said...

What haven't I learned from your site? The highlighting with toothpicks is an excellent idea, but your description of all of the copics down the side of your blog is a nightmare to my pocketbook! Now I HAVE to have them all!

Mel said...

Happy Blog-anniversary. Wishing you many more. Love all the info you take the time to share.

What an awesome giveway! Tkx for the generosity!!!

Stefanie said...

Wow, one whole year of blogging! Your blog is my favorite resource. I've learned so much from it, that it's hard to pick just one thing. I think my favorite though is techniques with the colorless blender. I loved it when you showed us how to put it on a rag to make our colored images have texture.

Stampin Shari said...

wow what an amazing prize! I am a copic virgin, and your site has made me what to get out there and buy them all! thanks for your great work!

maiahs_momma said...

Wow, what a great giveaway...thank you for a chance to win these goodies :)! I would say that anything you have showed us about copic markers was helpful, since I am still probably considered a newbie.


Linda Carson said...

Congrats Marianne on your blog success!! I've learned the ABC's of Copics. Thank you so much for helping us get the most out of these jewels & enjoy using them!

Lorie said...

The most valuable thing? EVERYTHING! Seriously, everything that you've had on you blog applies to someone at some point in their coloring journey and that is what I appreciate...something that works for everyone! Thanks for a chance to win a great prize!

Mary Dawn said...

happy first blogiversary! thanks for the chance to win

Carla S. said...

Happy Blog-Anniversary, Marianne! I have learned so much about coloring with Copics from your blog! Any time I want to try something new or just refresh my memory, I come to your site! Thanks so much for sharing your expertise! What a wonderful prize! Thanks for the opportunity to win!

Sue C Stamps said...

Thank you for this opportunity. I like how your instructions are easy to follow and are thorough. Thanks, again.
Sue C.

anne said...

Good Morning Marianne! I would love to play with the new Spicas. Thank you for the chance to win.

Peggy said...

WOW Marianne! Cpngrats on your anniversary! I have thoroughly enjoyed your tips that help me expand my art perspective. I have really enjoyed mastering Copic techniques. Keep the instructions coming!

Lorri said...

Stopping by to say 'Hello'. Thanks for the year of wonderful ideas and instruction.

Yvette said...

Your blog is so very helpful to someone like myself who is so new to Copics! You've taught me how to make flowers by doodling with my Copics! And with that I can make my very own patterned paper! Sooo cool! :)

Karen (lindse) said...

This is my fav blog for learing how to use my Copics - thank you for sharing your info with us :)

Jessica said...

This time a year ago, I didn't own a single Copic. I now have over 60 and the collection is growing. I am continually amazed by your talent!

Shontelle said...

Since I just found your blog this past weekend, (happy blogiversary btw), I'm just starting to l check things out. One thing I am curious about (and maybe it's on a previous post I haven't seen yet), is whether or not you have tried creating any of your own coulours with the empty Copics?
Thanks for the opportunity to win some great stuff!

not sure if my contact info shows up when I leave a comment, so here's my blog address:

Tracey said...

Congrats on 1 year of blogging! I love your blog! It definitely made Copics way less intimidating for me and now I am hooked! Love my markers and would love to win one of these prizes! Thanks so much!!

Jessica Diedrich said...

Congrats! I think the most valuable thing I've learned from your blog is how to shade with ONE color as opposed to needing more than one. Granted, my Copic collection is always expanding, but for those of us just starting out, it was so helpful to know that with the right paper (I switched to Neenah after reading your blog) that shading can be done so many different ways.

Thanks so much for all of it!

Tamara said...

I don't have any copic markers, although I do have all of the spicas (except the new ones), but I continue to visit your blog regularly because of what I am learning about shading and light. I am learning so much more too, but that has been the most valuable topic to me thus far. I hope to be able to add some copic markers to my collection soon, but for now they are slightly out of my budget.

TheQueenMom said...

The most important thing that I have learned from you is to just get in there and play. You won't learn how they work and what works best without experimentation - don't hoard, USE!
Thanks so much for all of it!

Becky said...

I am loving my Copic collection and have yet to try the Spica markers. I go to your blog for all kinds of coloring and was espcially pleased to learn from your blog the best way to color skin. Thank you for your blog!!


Dianal said...

Congratulations on 1 year. It is very difficult to pick out one thing I have learned from you ... I've learned so much about the copic markers and your site makes it the instructions easy to follow.
Looking forward to many more years of learning from you. Thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

The icicles tutorial is one of my favorites! But everything you post is a little mini-class in creating beautiful artwork. You are so generous in sharing your knowledge - I can't thank you enough!

Heather said...

Happy Blogoversary!!! I love your blog! I print out A LOT of tutorial stuff! Thanks for the chance at your fabulous blog candy!

Jean said...

I love Copic markers. I am buying a few each week to increase my "stash". I have found that I absolutely NEED all the colors!

Life Full of Sunflowers said...

Marianne - first off, congratulations on your 1 year blogging anniversary. I love visiting your site and have learned so much - I'm new to copic markers and you have taught me so much; however, I think the best thing you have shown me is that it is still fun to color and that anything goes. I have had so much fun working with the copic markers and look forward to learning more.

Thanks for the chance to win these.

Have a great day

Melody (lacyquilter) said...

Congratulations on your anniversary. I have learned that I NEED more markers - HA! Just what you wanted to hear, right?

Sammie said...

Wow, you're extremely talented! I actually don't own any Copics, so I'd love to win some!

Unknown said...

Happy blogaversary! I really can't choose one thing that I've learned since I just started with Copics and everything is new to me. I'd love to see more shading/highlighting tutorials as I always seem to get hung up on that. Love your site!

Cathy Spicer said...

Wahoo to you for an AWESOME year! To be honest your blog is what inspired me to start playing with Copics. I've learned so much on how to achieve proper shading and allow for light. I'm a long way from your level, but I am proud of how far I've come thanks to your AWESOME tutorials. The detail you put into them (the step by steps) is SO appreciated.

Catherine Couch Doucette said...

Well, I've learned a lot about shading! Oh, and how to color in cirlces :-) Thanks for this blog, it's wonderful!

Unknown said...

I can't tell you the MOST valuable thing I have learned because I have learned SOOO much from you!!! Thank you so much!
But I will tell you a hilarious quick funny (sure you already heard it). I was trying my best to get Sally Lynn to slip and tell me what you were giving away on your blog today so I kept slipping in comments at our certification class at Smithville yesterday....she slipped out a comment (not your secret but was VERY close....) YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN HER FACE!!! ROFLMBO!!!! IT WAS HILARIOUS. She 'almost' let it out..but you would have been so proud, she kept your secret and I tried VERY hard(you have no idea how hard I tried!
It was worth the wait....I guess....lmbo...
Thank you for all you do for us...I am completely amazed by what these simple little markers can do and cannot wait to mark on everything I can get my hands on!!
....Sharon :)

Kraftin' Kimmie said...

This blog is such a wealth of information, I couldn't begin to pick one thing! I will keep coming back for more as my Copics are the most important thing in my papercrafting world! Thanks so much Marianne!!

Sarah said...

I've learned so much about shading and choosing colors to achieve fantastic depth from your blog.

AmyR said...

I have learned TONS from your blog! Shading, shadowing, using the colorless blender, etc etc etc I really gained a lot from checking in every time there's a new post up.

I send everyone here and when ppl contact ME asking Copic questions I always tell them to come here as all their questions will be answered and then some!! :)

Monika/Buzsy said...

I love your tips on how to use Copics... I really liked the one on making bricks... and grass... Thansk for sharing!

klasickewpie said...

I enjoyed the airbushed egg you did, but everything you tut us on is truly wonderful. Thank you for hosting another candy giveaway

Zena B. said...

I have been using copics for several years but have never been able to figure out the numbering and blending system. Thanks for showing me the way!

Jools said...

Hi Marianne, I learned techniques and tips that have helped me get the most out of ALL my markers, and started me collecting Copics...but best of all your blog alerted me to the fact that a cert class was in my area--it was super!

Nimue said...

I learned to TRY. Try anything and everything. Do it over and over again. MAKE NOTES so you don't have to reinvent the wheel every time you need one. Thanks Marianne - Nimmy

Nancy said...

Happy Blog Anniversary... just so happens to be my 18th Wedding Anniversary today too!

The one thing that stands out the most is that these markers have more depth and broader applications than I had imagined... I have a lot of work to do to get myself to where I'd like to be! But it sure is fun trying!

Anonymous said...

The Copic Goddess has been blogging one year?!? What did we do before your blog? Thank goodness we have you!

Kim Ross said...

Wow, a whole year already!? The information you've shared with us here is SO valuable, I don't think I could select just one thing. Everything has been helpful... from the step-by-step photos & instructions to the art principles to the color theory. I recommend this blog to everyone who asks me about Copics. Thanks so much & happy Blogaversary! :)

lennie said...

congrats on your one year of blogging. I love the copic markers and hope I am lucky enough to win!! Thanks for sharing your talent with us!

Scrapycandy said...

I have learned so much! Firstly, I'm not so afraid anymore to try out the blending ideas and these types of marker/pens. Your tutorials are so well done! We are so lucky to have you! Thank you so much!

Kim said...

Happy anniversary! The most helpful has been all your easy to follow posts. They gave me the confidence to get started coloring with copics. Thank u for the continuous inspiration.

Sue from Oregon said...

I used your info to start building my collection of copics. I watched your color combo's and info like learning the beautiful blending techniques you show too!

Dawn said...

After finding your blog I LOVE copics!!! I was lucky enough to take a class this weekend taught by Sally Lynn MacDonald! Now I need LOTS more copics!!

Diane said...

I think allof the info is great, as we learn something new with each post, but the Copic Gallery is a life saver, as it explains about each type of Copic. Hope to see another year of great learning curves...thanks and congrats on all those hits!!!

Denise ~ Paper Ponderings said...

I've learned that with practice, anybody can learn to color with copics. I have four markers to my name so far and I would love, love, love to win. I so appreciate your blog and learning from it!

Michelle said...

How exciting! Congratulations!!!

Barb Crockett said...

I have learned about the light source from you. Thanks to you, now my cards are closer to a work of art than before I discovered copics and you.You are a great teacher.

Jean Franks Beck said...

Thanks so much for the opportunity to win such a fabulous prize!! I am relatively new to Copics (I have had a set of 24 for a few months now) and I find your site invaluable in learning how to shade and lighten colors, and to combine colors and soften edges. Thanks so much for teaching us so well!

emarci said...

I learned how to blend and shade and color! I love these markers and really want/need a certification class in Texas! Thank you for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

I learned that it really isn't that hard when you have the right tools... COPICs ROCK!

Congrats on your 1 year!

Dana said...

Happy Blogaversary! Your blog has taught me SO much and am very grateful for it! I loved learning about the color combinations and how to layer the colors! Thanks so much and look forward to the next year!

Karen S. said...

I'm just a beginner with copics and love that you have tutorials for all different levels!! I could spend hours at your site. Thanks so much!!

Anne said...

Hooray! A whole year. Terrific work Marianne.

Mary said...

It's hard to pick just one thing I've learned - coloring, which papers to use, which inks to use, blending, etc. It's all good! Happy anniversary!

yvette said...

I would have to say the shading and blending it just makes your cards pop and I love it now my cards have so much more dimension to them. Thanks for all you share

Lindy Stamper said...

I would say the most valuable to me was shading, I always have trouble w/ that and you helped decode it. Thanks!

Rita Kegg said...

I took a Copic 101 class this past week and learned a lot. I learned the basics so I will be able to get more from your site. I love how you label beginner techniques so I know where to start. There are really neat markers. Thanks for all of your hard work. Blessings

MerryMerlin said...

I love all the basics you've covered - especially shading and blending. But now I'm really loving the special effects - blender dripping, glossy cardstock, etc. I'd love to see some more on using the Copic opaque white ink. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...


Karen said...

Wow! I would love to have some more Copic markers, especially the new glitter ones. Thanks for the opportunity to win some.

Kathi said...

I am relatively new to copics and have several of your tutorials bookmarked. I've learned so much...from which style marker to what the letters and numbers some pretty nifty techniques.

Diana said...

Happy Blogaversary! I can't say enough about how much I love your blog; I use it almost as a textbook, for learning new techniques and troubleshooting when my coloring isn't looking right. Thank you so much for all your hard work!


Mimi said...

I love your blog. I'm so glad you started it up. It doesn't seem like a year, but so much great information. Yes, I'd love a chance to win your giveaway. I am truly a Copic/Spica addict. I spend money I shouldn't to buy just one more color I must have. I'd rather do without lunch, LOL! Thanks!

Stef Perry said...

Congratulations on your one year "blogaversary"! The most important thing I've learned from your blog is to not be afraid, but to try new products and techniques. Thank you for all you share!!!

Jenn said...

Your blog has become such an invaluable resource, Marianne. Congrats on one year!

Jan aka StampQn said...

Happy Blog-a-versary. I luv my copics!

Unknown said...

Happy "one-blogging-year".

You have been an inspiration to me nearly a year. Think I came across your blog 9. months ago… And I have learned a lot. The first thing I learned is how unexpected expensive your blog is. All them time I find myself in absolute need for more copic’s. And the prices in Denmark are “argh”.
The first ting I had the most use of was your “skin-colour” guide.
Even though I’v been using copic for some time, I stille keep on learning.
Your shading and blending colours is fantastic.
I wish I had the opportunity to attempt on of the courses, but it is a little to far for me (my husband says so).

I look forward to follow you the next year.


Becky said...

I own 3 copic makers so far, just to see if I would like them, and needless to say-I love them

Jennipurr said...

What a fabulous prize!! I learned that I can add some sparkle with spicas, which I LOVE! And, I think you have great colors--I don't know what you could possibly add! : )

Alyssa S said...

Congratulations! Happy Bloggaversary! Thanks for sharing all your knowledge and inspiration :o) I would love to see how to color different skin tones.

inkedx2 said...

I think the thing I learned the most from your blog was the matching of colors to allow you to do shading. It was very helpful in letting me know which colors to buy and use.


Lucille Sanders said...

Congratulations on your 1 year of blogging!! Your site has benefited many of us through your instruction and tutorials. I am a beginner and was given your blog site by our instructor. There is such a lot to learn with Copic markers that I feel overwhelmed. I need a lot of help on just where to shade and am I doing it right. It is difficult to do that at the moment as I have 3 blue markers (store is sold out and awaiting a shipment). Thankyou very much for sharing you expertise and knowledge with us. God Bless!


Beth Pingry said...

Happy Anniversary! I love that I can come back and reinforce what I've learned and see awesome examples. And that you have been so helpful!!

Vina said...

I have learned a ton of great techniques using copics. One of my favorites is learning how to shade. I'm still an artist in progress but your tutorials make it fun to learn. Thank you so much for sharing your craft!

* Shell B.* said...

Hello all the way from Alaska, I've learned that I really want copic markers......LOL
Thanks for the chance at the blog candy!


Quilter422 said...

hello! i only discovered your blog recently, but loved seeing your tips for using the Copic markers on fabric. now i can add extra dimension and shading to my art quilts without fear of damaging them!

Christina Granucci said...

I love my Copic pens! Do you know that I can get 8 Copic markers if I don't get my hair cut? Another 4 if I skip the pedicure and 2 a day if I pass on lunch...

Lisa said...

Happy 1 year of blogging!! It is not an easy thing to do, and you provide us with GREAT stuff! Love those Spicas (I think, can't get any around here!)

Mel said...

I love my copics..I'm slowly building a collection, but I really want to try the Spicas, but they don't have them in stores here (sigh) this would be awesome to win!

Shell said...

OMGoodness! I am keeping my fingers crossed!!
Wow Wow Wow!!!
I have learned all of my blending here, How to choose shades and chart them.
I really need to learn a lot more about highlighting. That is my struggle area.
What an opportunity! Thank you so much for the chance!

Susan said...

The best thing that I am trying to learn from your blog is shading and blending. I still have a long way to go. Would love a chance at the blog candy. Thanks!

Unknown said...

Wow! What a great give a way! I am new to your site and I find I am spending more and more time here learning about Copics. I am off for a short holiday and have my limited supply of Copics already packed.

lisa lish said...

Thanks for all the effort you put in to your blogg! I learn Sooo much!

Teresa (aka tmom) said...

I just recently found your blog and got my first "few" Copics and am totally inspired to use them and learn from what I see here! Thanks!

Susie said...

I'm gradually learning from you how to think about the position of a light source as it shines on an image. I love my Copics - I hardly ever use anything else. Thank you for all the time you spend sharing with us. But...when are you coming to teach in a town near me in Illinois? :0)

.:liza:. said...

I've learned that markers are magical!

Kathi said...

I've learned most everything I know about Copics from your blog.

You've enabled me into spending a ton of money, but it sure has been a fun ride!

Thank you!

Micki said...

For me, the super most important tip I learned from you (actually there are way more than just 1, lol) is to practice-practice-practice. To keep coloring/doodling and you'll get better. So so true.
After that I would have to say that one of your first posts was so important because it lays the foundation for learning Copics: the type of cardstock to use with Copics will make all the difference.
Congrats on your 1 year blogaversary. Wow, it flew by!

Mrs. Nancy G said...

Wow-wee! A year of blogging already! Thanks to you I've learned to the most about using Copic markers. Your insights, art, and attitude are right on. It's been a pleasure getting to know you. Thanks so much for investing time into teaching us and sharing through your blog.


Unknown said...

thanks for the giveaway! I have seen so many beautiful things I want to try on your blog!!

Laura lok said...

wow congrats on the one year mark. and thank you from all of us that enjoy and learn from your site

Anonymous said...

I run your blog off for a friend and myself to keep in a 3 ring binder and use as our own art book and reference as we learn and practice. Thank you for making a difference in our lives!

Heather said...

I've learned about shading and you have helped me tremendously! Your pics, and your comments speak my language and I can follow you very easily.
Unlike some lessons, practising art is soo much fun! Thanks for the chance to win :)

tinkerfeet said...

I have learned from your blog is that I have to have copic markers.

paradise45 said...

Congrats on your 1 year blog! I absolutely love your blog and have learned so much from it. Being very new to Copics and only owning a handfull, I learn something with every post. Your talent is mind-boggling. Thanks for the chance to win this marvelous giveaway!

Gwendolyn said...

I have learned that I have a LONG way to go!!! LOL!!! Mostly I have learned the shading and light source.

Unknown said...

Congrats on 1 year of bringing us market fun thru your blog. What have I many things, but most of all to have fun and enjoy the mistakes, they may turn into something great!!!!

kpargeter said...

Love the copics.Just started using them. Happy 1 Year of Blogging. Thanks for the chance to win.

Kim said...

The most valuable thing I have learned is to stick with it and practice.

minnaming said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win!

I have some multiliners but have not ventured into color/blending yet.

Bonnie said...

Wow - what a generous gift! I have learned that I need to practice more, and that I need more colors. LOL

B2-kun said...

Congratulations on your 1 year of blogging. Your step by step coloring demonstrations listing the actual markers used are very thorough and packed with useful advice explained in simple terms.

Jenn said...


I have learned that Copics are a necessity! lol Thanks for all your inspiration!

Romaine said...

I am dying togive these a try! Happy Blogiversary and thanks so much for the chance!

Bobbi-Lynn said...

Awesome giveaway! I have only recently gotten into Copics, so anything I can learn about shading and blending is a good thing!

Whimsey said...

I love Kona!!! :D

OK, I have 2 favorites:
1. Learning it's okay to create with just the sketch marker - like making flowers, hearts, etc. You don't have to "just" color! :D And you can even SQUISH the tip - LOL!!
2. Shading; understanding where light is coming from and how to shade.

Love all your inpiration!!

Teresa said...

Hello Merrianne, The most important think I have learned this year is to come here to your blog for info, techniques, getting into your Portland class & if I have a copic question the answere will be here! Thank - you

Tracey said...

Congrats on your 1 year anniversary. I love all of the tips and tricks here.

smitzee said...

I've learned that being creative is healthy for not just the mind, but the body. As I get better with my sketching skills I seem to see more detail in my world and enjoy getting out to see it more often too. Thanks for the blog tips. I love trying them out. I only have original copics and would love to try the ciaos. Cheers!

Beth said...

I would love to learn more about using Copics...I've just recently been introduced to them and had a bit of a chance to play around with them but want to know more!

Peggy said...

Hi I've learned so much from your site that it led to me being certified this weekend with Sally. It was awesome and now I have to get more colors!!! and I can't wiat to do more coloring!!!! thanks a million Peggy C

Lisa - papergrace said...

I just wanted to with you a Happy Anniversary and to say how much I look forward to learning more. I am very new to Copics, but your blog is a tool I cannot live without, so Thank You!! Wishing you the Very Best...and MANY more anniversaries.

Tamikko said...

I loved when you coloured eyes for us. It is essential that they look realistic on all animals (and humans). I would love to get a set of the new sparkly. Just love to colour, it's so much fun :)

Ferah said...

Happy one year! Your blog is excellent and thank you for sharing the "how to's" so freely. Have a great week!

Girlnamedpixley said...

A year ago, I was new to card making and had never heard of Copics. Then I found a link to your blog and started trying my hand at some of your tutorials. Now I have 65 Sketch markers and buy 1 or 2 new ones with with each paycheck! I'm totally addicted. Congratulations on your Blogiversary! I'm looking forward to another year of learning very cool things from you. : )

Rebecca said...

WOOT! I LOVE this blog. I actually learned about it from the certification class that I took in January, so I haven't been reading it for very long. I just love all of the little tips that you give. It reminds me of all of the little nuances that I learned about the markers in the class. LOVE that! Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge with us!

Elizabeth S. said...

Oh, I have learned so many things from you and your instructions on shading with the copics is so helpful.

Crystal said...

I can't even begin to narrow down what I have learned... these markers are just the best ! Congrats on your one year anniversary. Keep us growing and learning.

Penny said...

I loved the tip on how to make rocks with the blender pen!

Julie Campbell said...

Wow! Has it been a year already!?! :) I've loved everything, but really appreciate learning about blending!

Connie K. said...

Happy Blogaversary! I have learned so much from your blog, but especially valuable has been the instructions on blending and shading.

Connie K.

reflections:0) said...

A lot that is for sure... Most of all to just try things...


Stephenie said...

Thank you so much for your blog and the opportunity to win such a great assortment of copics!!! I have 14 copics and I love each and every one of them!! I need more, teeheehee. Your blog has showed me how to shade and use them and taught me that I needed them. Happy Blogoversary!!!

Prairie Scrapbooking said...

I just got my Copics this year, and have learned EVERYTHING from your blog. Thanks.

donatelloh said...

Happy Blogiversary!

Thank you so much for all that you share. What have I learned? So much really, but I guess the biggest is there is just not enough time to do all the techniques I want to play with. Second would be that I absolutely NEED the entire set of Copics. I really enjoy all the coloring techniques, but what I find really the most fun is the simple drawing techniques. The marker tip flower and just recently the bunny. They are something I'm not intimidated by. I look at it and say I can do that. It certainly helps to boost confidence. Thank you for all your generosity.

D in FL
donatelloh at hot mail dot com

Unknown said...

I really use Copics for some card work! They're G..R..E..A..T (as Tony would say!)!!


Kathy JH said...

Wow - I still have so much to learn! But I really enjoyed your post on making pebbles/rocks. It helped me to remember that I can add my own bit of flair to whatever I am doing. Thanks for the chance for some blog candy and congrats on your first year of blogging! Thanks for sharing your time and talent!

Theresa Momber said...

Marianne, congrats on your one year blogaverary! I started following your blog months before I get my first Copics, so I would be well prepared to use them. This blog is an incredibly valuable resource.

The most important thing I learned, from your blog, was how the color families work together. This really helped me choose colors that I love and that blend well. I have over 70 markers so far and use them all.

Thanks so much for all your intructions!

Susan Tethal said...

I am brand new to Copics and think I might have a new addiction! Thanks for the giveaways!

Dawn said...

gosh Marianne..what HAVEN'T I learned! lol... congrats again on One year!!

thanks for the chance to win!!

Mary said...

Oh wow!!! What a fabulous give-a-way!! I've learned so much from your blog, but have really read time and time again, your shading and blending info, as I never seem to beable to do the shading and blending the same way twice. There's definitely a learning curve, and I'm definitely still learning!

Anonymous said...

I have learned a lot from your blog! I just started using Copics, and I have a stunning total of 10. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge! I eat up all I can learn about these wonderful markers. Copics are definatly the best art markers out there!

Cindy Sinars said...

I've enjoyed your blog so much! It's been a great resource. Thanks!

Kelly Booth said...

WOW...Now that's a SCORE....
LOVE your are one of the Most SUPER Talented Artists I have even met....
So Thankful for your knowledge and inspiration!!!

Sara said...

I really enjoy coming to your blog just to see the drawings you do. So talented!! I don't own any copics of my own "yet" =) so I am hoping to win so I can explore the fun!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much, Marianne, for all of the awesome Copic "tips" you have shown us! I had the hardest time with blending colors and using the colorless blender {a total beginner!} but your blog has really enabled me to use my Copics like never before!! And, it has made me realize that I NEED all of the colors that I don't have!! Thanks again!

CurlyCraze said...

Hello! I love your blog and happy for the change to win. The Spicas look so fun :)

Tracy said...

I enjoyed the certification class in Buffalo in the spring! It has been great to put some of the things we learned to use. I am was glad to get a handle on the blender pen and what it can and can't do, lol!

Donna Baker said...

I so enjoy your blog - thanks for all your tips & techniques you share! I would love to win these, tomorrow is my birthday & it would be a great present!!

Michelle L. said...

I've learned so much from your blog - I especially loved the first introductory posts that went over Copic basics, and I always love your coloring and blending techniques. Thanks so much for a great year.

Nancy said...

I would love to win this. I have learned a lot from reading your blog. Blending is probably what I have gotten the best at. I enjoy reading everything though.

Elizabeth Bracco said...

In all honesty I just found your blog thru this giveaway. It will be fun to read and learn from your past posts. I love my Copics and am always finding new ways to use them. Keep up the great blogging. I am now bookmarking you into my daily reads. :)

Penny said...

Congrats on your 1st year...looking forward to the 2nd!

Penny G
frugalberrygirl at yahoo dot com

Vicki Sopcak said...

Congratulations on your 1 year anniversay!!! I have a suggestion. For those of us who are either not eligible or cannot make your certification classes, you might want to consider offer an online course where you charge the fee and need a code in order to take the class and get information. Just a suggestion

handmade_cass said...

I especially love all of the detailed techniques you share. I am a beginner - so still mastering the blending of my sketch markers. Thanks for all of the time you spend to help all of us learn!

Gabriela said...

There are so many techniques I've learned from your blog over the past year but the most significant technique is blending on glossy paper and the cros-hatching techniques. Congratulations on your 1 year blogversary! Well done!

Sara Henton said...

I love the spicas. The technique I enjoyed the most is the one where you colored the copics directly on stamps.

Pamela said...

Copics are still on my wish list. I learned that even though I don't have them yet, I can still learn and hopefully, one day, have them to go along with your demos.

pscole3467 at gmail dot com

thestampinglady said...

Thanks for the generous goodies--I would love to win them! Happy Blogaversary!

Amy said...

I learned that I can visit your website for inspiration and instructions. I have a load of Copic Sketch markers, but no Spicas yet.

leateach said...

WoW! What a great prize. I have just gotten into the Copic markers! I would love this prize :)

LeAnne Noble :)

delorse said...

Happy blog anniversary!!

Thanks so much for providing such a valuable resource to all of us copic marker nuts! lol....I what I've learned most from you and your blog is to just play with my markers and not worry about mistakes.

Thanks for the opportunity to win such an awesome giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Happy 1 Year!

I have a couple dozen markers and have found your blog to be a great resource - on the proper ink and paper to use and how to understand the marker codes and how the blender, umm, doesn't actually blend :)

Crystal said...

Congrats on your 1 year!! I started my copic collection with spica's. Yes I need sparkle therapy.

A Soul's Heartbeat said...

I am so new to Copic and stamping and creating cards like I see on your blog and others. I'm excited to learn and even more excited at the chance for this super prize!!!! Congrats on your one year anniversary!

Diane M said...

This is such a generous offering! Thank you. The best thing I've learned is color and shading, how to blend things together so they are realistic. And of course, all the fun things, like spotting and doodling. I've got nearly all of your instructions printed out, and it is such a handy reference guide.
Diane M.

Diane M said...

This is such a generous offering! Thank you. The best thing I've learned is color and shading, how to blend things together so they are realistic. And of course, all the fun things, like spotting and doodling. I've got nearly all of your instructions printed out, and it is such a handy reference guide.

Barbara said...

I just began using Copics in November 2008 and fell in love with them! When I found your blog I learned soooo much, I can't begin to tell you the most valuable lesson or tip. I just know that your tutorials are so easy to follow and I've learned so much. I just hope a class comes to Missouri or nearby so I can attend. My blog is Made For Keeps and I would love for you to visit, though I know how busy you are. Thank you so much for being here!!

Cindy Vernon said...

congrats! i just love all the really helps me get the most our of my markers.

Pamela Gibson said...

ooh ooh fab giftie, i have a color suggestion...
you know how willow green doesnt look like it does on the cap? i want one that is the color of the willow green cap. Its such a beautiful colour and the pen itself doesnt live up to the color, its much lighter and duller. lol

Michelle Hessler said...

blending and what papers work best for the markers! thanks for the info you provide here.

Alfredo Gallardo said...

Congratulations Marianne. What have I learned from your site?

Everythinh!!!! Your site is an inspiration to everyone using Copic markers.

Looking forward for another year of intersting information.

Anonymous said...

The #1 best thing I have learned is how to shade with my new Copics just by laying down a second layer or the same color.

Carri D said...

I am learning so much from your blog. Thank you for the chance to win!

Amy said...

My favorite lesson that I've taken from your site is when you did the tutorials on coloring snow. It was so simple and yet your tips made ALL the difference in my winter cards. THANKS!!

Anonymous said...

I love markers! It would be great to win these!

Emelyn said...

You started your site at the very same time I decided to take the plunge and buy my first Copic markers. Your website has been so very valuable in teaching me the endless possibilities my Copics hold. Thank you for a great year and congrats!

Cat Q said...

I could always use tips on blending marker colors. My sister uses Copics in her artwork, and does this with ease...

Gwen said...

I've been making cards and 6 x 6 pages for about a year and have been admiring the work done with Copics. Would love to get started with some of my own!

Nancy said...

I have really loved all things shading, and also skin tones! Thanks for a great year! I just keep learning more and more!

Nancy Bush

Unknown said...

Hey! Less than a year I have become addicted to copics, and I love them so much!

Kathy K said...

HOLY...!!!!!!!!! That is SOME Candy!

The most valuable thing I've learned is new ways to use the colorless blender. I never used to think to pull it out for anything but erasing smudges, but now I have a whole set of things I can do with it, thanks to you!

I was wondering if you could address something. I own several of the spicas, and aver single one of them has stopped putting out ink and sparkle (some of them within a matter of days of getting them). I've opened them, and they still have tons of ink and glitter in the tube. Are they clogged? Any ideas? :)

I'm coming to the SLC certification on June 11, and I can't wait! Thanks again for the fun candy!

Crafty Math Chick said...

I just love all your tutorials on shading and coloring - I love my Copic markers and enjoy learning how to use themmost effectively. Thanks for the generous chance to win!


V said...

My favourite post was the one where you doodled on the domino. I learned to look at unexpected surfaces to use my Copic Multiliners on!

Tanya said...

I LOVE your blog. I have learned so many different techniques. I really have enjoyed learning how to use my markers. I am sure you will have lots more to share with us and can't wait to learn even more about this wonderful makers :)

Laurie in MN said...

Practice, practice and practice. And have fun with Copics.

Happy First blogaversary.

connie said...

I just found your blog last week and I learned I NEED TO INVEST in Copic markers!

AScrappersDelight said...

I learned the write combos to make awesome skin coloring! Such an informative blog!!

Valerie said...

Hello! Has it been a year?! Thanks for the wonderful ideas and instruction.

Kierstin said...

I just got my first copic and love it. A good friend recommended your blog so I'm looking forward to learning all kinds of things since I'm a total newbie!

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