book by Marianne Walker
This little project has been keeping me very busy this winter! This is much of the reason why I haven't been posting as much. I know that many of you read my blog and print it out. You are constantly asking "When will you make a book, so I don't have to print things out?!?"
I have been listening!
I took the fundamentals of coloring with shadows and have compiled them in this simple to use reference book. This book is for beginners, and applies to anyone who colors, from papercrafters to artists. You do not need to know how to draw to add shadows like a professional artist! This guide easily steps you through how to correctly add shadows and make your coloring look more dimensional. The wire-bound book comes with 4 clear printed guides to help you add shadows properly on your own work, without all the frustration and guess-work. This book will be available in March, though you can get a sneak peek at CHA.

This book does not teach how to draw, just where to add shadows and highlights when coloring. I am making it appropriate for both fine-art as well as papercrafters. As you can see from the simple sketch above, the shadows make all the difference. You can see and touch these objects- they look alive and dynamic. That is the power of contrast and shadows. I can't tell people enough- add more contrast into your work! This book is not Copic specific either, rather, it is for any coloring medium.
Why did I write this? Because I know many of you never had a chance to take art classes in school. Or, you took an art class, but didn't understand what the teacher was explaining. My goal is to help you feel comfortable with art techniques, even if you don't consider yourself an artist.
So, look for the finalized book in March, and see a prototype in our booth at CHA. Meanwhile, go leave a comment on yesterday's post to win a prize of a new swatchbook.
Wow!!!! I need one!!!!
Great News!!!!
Love, Julia Sáddi - Brazil
This is great Marianne!! Thanks for listening. :o) Have fun at CHA!!
Take care and STAY POSITIVE!!
This is wonderful Marianne, I am putting this at the top of my book want list. Thanks
AWESOME - I will have this on my list for sure.
I am doing a happy dance right here in my scraproom. This is wonderful news and already placed on the top of my wishlist. Thanks for doing this - sharing your Amazing tutorials in a BOOK.
This is really cool. I've had so many people tell me they don't see shadows so their coloring is flat. I can't wait to get one to take mine to the next level!
Great book! Hope it comes to the stores soon.
Great book! Hope it comes to the stores soon
I'm nowhere near ready for an intermediate class, but I can tell you this book will be most beneficial. I can't wait.
What a brilliant book..!!..
I live in Norway, and wonder where I can order this book, when it is published?
Greetings from
HegeT, Norway
I definitely will want this book, Marianne -- I NEED it, as I've never had an art class! Thank you SO MUCH for all your kind efforts and many hours involved to produce this. I know it will be very beneficial to so many of us who truly want to learn!
I wanted to mention that Jenn Balcer's post for yesterday's drawing doesn't seem to be up. Hope everything is okay!
Oh I am so ready for this book to be out. I can't wait to get it. My worst problem is shading that is for sure. I live where there isn't any close classes so this will be awesome. Thanks so much
This book sounds like a must-have. Thx so much for doing this, Marianne. I really need one!
i fall into the first category - didn't take any art classes in school (and wish i had) better late than never... i definitely need to get this book. wish i could go to cha - i'm shooting for this summer.
This looks fabulous. I would love to read and practice these techniques. Can't wait for March!
Can't wait to get this book!
Oh, Marianne, I cannot wait to get this book! The pain of waiting for it will be unbearable! I could win the perfectionist of the year award. I really agonize over shadows! Best product ever!
Am looking forward to the release!
Marianne, you're a genius! Seriously, please bring the intermediate course to the Atlanta area :D
OMGosh, Marianne, I will definitely be lining up for this book!!! Thank you so much for writing it. Now I can't wait until March :)
Marianne - I am so happy that you published this book. It is definitely going on my wish list!!!
Wow - I am looking forward to this! Thanks so much for putting it together!
Hugs, Wini
Hi Marianne
This is exactly what I need and waiting for. Thanks for writing it. If I could, I would be the first one to buy it!
Have a nice weekend!
Marianne, that is fabulous news! It's one of my (many) drawing challenges, and as great as your posts have been, a book will give me so much more to learn from. I love that you are including the Fine Art perspective for those of us who love to draw (not that I would put myself in the Fine Art category!) Being Copic-based will make it really easy to follow, instead of me trying to follow/ translate pencil or paint techniques. To sum up - I'm very excited about it! Thank you!
Yea! As soon as I saw this my eyes lit up. This is exactly what I need! Can't wait for it to come out.
Can't wait to get a copy! What a great resource. Thanks!
I am SO excited to buy this!! Can't wait until it comes out :0)
How can we not look forward to this. I'd love to have it!
Very cool - I want one nnnooooowwwww (lol). Can't wait to get ahold of one.
I can't wait to get my hands on this beauty! Thanks so much for creating this to help us out with lighting and shading!
Boy oh boy!! Do I need this!! I'm one
of those who copy your beginners "how
to"- this is a dream come true. Thank
you so much for all the time of putting it together & the opportunity
to win one! Also so glad there is a new copic instructor in Indiana. Thats' where I live and maybe I will
have more chances to take a class in IN. or surrounding area.
I loved it!
You always have such wonderful instructions when you post. I am looking forward to the release of your book. It is on the top of my wish list!
Awesome! I can't wait to purchase it! Will you be selling here through your blog or a publisher? Where should we be looking for it at? I am so glad that you have been listening to all of us and created a book that we will be able to use for all of our images!
Please let me know when and where to find it!
Happy Creating! Sara
oh my gosh! I can't WAIT to get a copy of your book for my daughter. I am an artist myself & took a year of 'training' at the Art Institute of Seattle, and highly value the classes, techniques & skills I learned there. As as a mother helping her daughter learn the basics of art it is eassential to understand lighting/shadows & contrast,..I've been looking for just such a book to help illustrate those basics that could be applied to any media. THANK YOU THANK YOU for compiling this, I am very excited for you and ME when I can give it to my daughter to use & help her on her way in this field.
BIG HUGS for all the hard work it took to put this together!
Carolee=Homer, Alaska
You have just made my year!!! I have been scouring the internet for something like this. I will be anxiously waiting for March!
I just was lucky enough to get a link to your blog, and just found out about this book, which will be a Godsend for me! THANK YOU so much for all the time and effort your put into this. I have to say correctly aligningh the light source to my object and then to correctly shade (beyond the very basics), is my biggest challenge . (I am definitely NOT an artist!) But I really want to expand my skills , especially after the investment my Copics have been, which are worth every penny, but I want to learn to use them and get the most out of them as intended. To have the images jump out at you 3 dimensionally, is just so wonderful. SO thank you so much for sharing all your talents and creativity with all of us. -Stacy O'Dell
I can't wait for the book to come out. Shadowing is something I struggle with. Thank you so much for putting it together
Congratulations! I can't wait to order a copy.
Congrats and thanks for listening! -Pamela
I am definitely adding this to my scrap/stamp room.
Thanks for filling the need!! We need all the help we can get...LOL!
I have been working on the outline for my first in a series of Copic classes this week .... how great would this be!
Can't wait to get this book
I'm not an artist, just a paper crafter, but this book would assist me in having my craft look so realistic, plus I could probably use the tips in coloring my wallpaper in my dollhouse.
OMG, this is exactly what I am need more guidance on...I will get one of these! Thanks! Go CHA Go!
This book is going to be fantastic!
I am so excited to get this book...when can I get my hands on a copy?!
it's great Marianne! see you soon!!=)
I normally just read your blog by email, well actually look at the pictures. Then see if theres any news about a class coming near me. Today I had to stop by to say
Thank You! It looks like your book will be awesome!
Nashville,TN would be a great location for classes too! Hint, hint,hint ;)
Kindest regards,
Can't wait to get my hands on this book. By the time I found out I could have had a scholarship at an art school I had a child and couldn't go. Never pursued it after that. Want to see what I can accomplish now. Since I've started to color I already notice a difference in how I look at things and notice things like shadows, etc. I can't say it enough - THANK YOU! Big Hugs!!
more fun with more copics....you never can have too many!!!
The book will be a wonderful asset. It would be great if a book could be compiled of all the wonderful tips on the I Like Markers blog. Thank you for the wonderful information.
Sorry you will not be at the CHA in LA. Hope I can pick up your new book on Shadows & Shading there. Great job!
Great idea. I get so confused when coloring on where the light is supposed to come from! Love it!
Can't wait. I'm one of those that printed out your instructions. Where will we be able to purchase this book?
Finally, woohoo...... I can't wait!!!!
I admit that I am one of those people that has about every blog post of yours in a 3 ring binder. lol....I can not wait for March. I am so going to get me a copy of your book. I think that it is a wonder idea and I really am thankful for all the time you have put into it. I know that I will learn some new things. Thanks so much. Hugs, Lisa G
Such a great idea! I can't wait to get my hands on a copy. Shadows and light have always been a big problem for me. I usually just try to have them all on the same side. Thanks much!
I am so excited about your book...I NEED it...am building my copic collection, but don't know how to shadow..can hardly wait until March!
YAHOO! Thanks for sharing your time and talent! This made my day...can't wait for your book!
Marianne you are the best! Thanks for helping us to enjoy our investment in Copic Markers!
This book looks awesome!!! I am putting this on my list of must-have's. Thanks for all your hard work in putting this together. I'm sure it was a huge undertaking!
Can't wait till until March, I could sure use it now! Can't wait!!!
oh boy i can't wait for my class later this month!
Wonderful new products. I definitely will be getting that shadowing book. Thanks for listening.
I think I might need two :)
All the best with your new book... gotta get me one of these!!!
So much for the resolution - "Cull Crafting Cache"
How awesome!!! Thank you Marianne!
Great I love the idea and I need it really bad.Thanks for doing it.I wish I didn'thave to wait until March. Will it be later in Canada.Love your blog,can't wait for the updates in my email.
Thanks again
Jocelan P
Good work Marianne! What a fantastic reference this is going to be.....hope we get them March or close to.
Thank you!
Great hearing all the new news!
Hope CHA is as good as it sounds, can now wait to see all the new stuff!!
Thanks much.
I want this book, true, but I also NEED this book.
thank you, thank you.
cat s.
Can't wait to see what’s next!
I am one of those who never got a chance to take art classes .. instead, i took pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmacology instead! (LOL).. but..now, I am on my own terms, and I am looking forward to using your book to improve my coloring techniques. Thanks Marianne.
This looks so helpful....shadowing seems to get the best of all of us!!!
Hi, I am a copic sketch retailer in Hong Kong. I would like to purchase your book, but it is not available in the distributor in Hong Kong. Could you help?
PLEASE tell me this will be available in the UK too?????
Thank you Marianne, I cannot wait to order this book. I am a beginner, so I can really use this!
Oh, this is the best! I cannot wait to see it, I'll be the first in line in my area LOL!
Looking forward to this book! I'm thinking this will be an idea to my hubby for my birthday present in May!
Or we were passed in Art Class just because the teacher liked us :) I will be looking for this book.
Where will we be able to find this book????? I WANT it!!!!! :)
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