Thursday, June 4, 2009

Final Winners for blog prizes

This has been a crazy week for prizes! I want to thank everyone who viewed my prizes or those on our design team member's blogs. Thank you so much for your support of our blogging efforts. It's always fun to give (and receive) gifts, so without further ado, here are the winning numbers for my fabulous prize giveaway:

#546 is Cheryl said...

Inspiration. I've been inspired and motivated. I was an art student with aspiration to become a graphic designer. Life, marriage, motherhood, etc took over my life. I haven't colored or pulled out art in over 15 years...until your site motivated me to start shading and drawing again! Thanks.

#244 is Carol said...

Great blog, happy blogaversary! :) - what I learned from your blog is to not be afraid to doodle :)

#173 is Melio said...

Happy 1 Year!

I have a couple dozen markers and have found your blog to be a great resource - on the proper ink and paper to use and how to understand the marker codes and how the blender, umm, doesn't actually blend :)

#352 is Joyce said...

Happy Blogiversary!!! I love your blog because it inspires me. I love learning tricks and techniques and drooling over your artwork.

#716 is cherylstampgirl said...

I just got my set of 72 markers today....I have already been playing with them. Can't wait for
Certification to come to Texas.

#570 (runner up) is Louise Dubord said...

Thanks for the inspiration, the tips, the color combinations, etc.

If you haven't received an e-mail from me, please contact me with your address so I can get these prizes out to you. Thanks!


Shell said...

Congratulation!! How exciting!

Crafty Math Chick said...

Congratulations everyone! Enjoy!

Cheryl O said...

Congratulations everyone, and we're all winners because we get to keep learning from Marianne!!! Here's to another great year........

FibreJunky said...

Congratulations to all!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you SO much! Wahoo! Now, let's get a certification class to Texas or Oklahoma :)

Wendy T. said...

have fun everyone! Now you will have new toys to play with!

retiredheather said...

Congrats to all the winners.

Anonymous said...

How generous of you!!!! Fun to know someone who won!