Happy Monday! I'm in a whimsical mood today, but I have a bunch of things to get done, as I have a very busy week coming up.
For those of you who do not regularly check out the Copic blog, you should, as last week I posted a color spotlight for YG17.
I drew this little blue butterfly for the color spotlight. I started with a rough drawing in pencil, then colored over it, trying to keep it loose and relaxed. If you look close, you can see that I dripped colorless blender on the edges to break up the image. You can read more at the Copic Blog.
Meanwhile, I have a quick event update for things I am doing this Fall:
Friday we will be having a Standard Papercrafting Certification in Portland, OR taught by the beautiful Jenn Balcer. If you would like to come, we still have a few spaces left.
Then, on Saturday, the spunky Colleen Schaan and I will be hosting an Intermediate Certification in Portland, OR. I don't teach this class very often, and Colleen and I always have fun when we team teach, so if you have been waiting to take this class, wait no more! If you ask us real nice, I bet we'll even sign books for you :)
November 4 & 5th, I will be teaching Standard Certifications in Honolulu, Hawaii. The class on the 4th is pretty full, but we still have a few spaces on the 5th. The Intermediate class is on the 6th, and I only have a couple spots left, so register now. We may have a Free event in Hawaii on the 4th, in the evening, so keep this open on your calendars if you are in the area (I will know later this week, so stay tuned).
To register for any Certification Class, please visit our website. For questions about certification classes, please contact Nancy at nancy@copicmarker.com

November 30th I will be hosting a Copic demo at Karen & Friends Scrapbooking store in Springfield OR from 4 to 6 pm.
Whew! What a busy fall! I hope to meet you at one of these many fabulous events.