Second, the Lafayette, LA Class has been Canceled. There may still be a class in this location in the future, but as of this half of the year it is canceled.
Applications have gone out or will be going out this week for the following locations:
Feb. 21st Shawnee, KS Taught by Sally Lynn MacDonald and Lori Craig Full
March 6th, Des Moines, IA Taught by Lori Craig and Sharon Harnist Open to Stores & Designers
March 7th, Memphis TN, Taught by Sally Lynn Open to Stores & Designers
March 13, Lafayette, LA Taught by Colleen Schaan Canceled
March 21, Long Island, NY Taught by Sally Lynn Open to Stores & Designers
March 28th, Columbus, OH Taught by Sally Lynn Open to Stores & Designers
March 28, Portland, OR Taught by Sherrie Siemens, and Jennie Black Open to Stores & Designers
April, 18 Calgary, AB Taught by Sherrie Siemens Open to Stores & Designers
April 11th, St. Louis MO, Taught by Sally Lynn Open to Stores & Designers
April 19th, Ft. Lauderdale FL Taught by Colleen Schaan Open to Stores & Designers
Applications have not gone out yet for the following locations:
Mid- April (Date TBA) Phoenix, AZ Taught by Jennie Black, assisted by Marianne
May, TBA Central Michigan, Taught by Debbie Olson
May, TBA Las Vegas, NV Taught by Jennie Black
May, TBA Salt Lake, UT Taught by Jennie Black
May 23, Anchorage, AK Taught by Sherrie Siemens
May 23, Charleston, WV Taught by Sally Lynn
May 30th, Vancouver, BC Taught by Sherrie Siemens
June, TBA Branson, MO Taught by Lori Craig
June, 13 Toronto, Ont. Taught by Sally Lynn
June 13 Boise ID, Taught by Sherrie Siemens
June 27, Seattle, WA Taught by Sherrie Siemens
June, TBA Santa Barbara, CA Taught by Jennie Black
June, Los Angeles, CA Taught by Jennie Black
July, Northern California Taught by Jennie Black
and many more locations this year. If you need an application for a location that is currently open please e-mail Please do NOT e-mail about locations that are not yet open! Just sign up on the mailing list through the green box on the sidebar of my blog.
OK, I will be gone this week, but part of my trip is going to be not only teaching Certifiaction classes, but I will also be taking some Marker rendering classes from German Professors. I am really excited about what I can learn from those classes. Debbie Olson and I will have a great trip!
Safe journey, Marianne! Sorry you won't be coming back to Salt Lake City in May, but I'm looking forward to meeting & having the class with Jennie.
I am excited for you to learn new techniques. I will pray for your safety and for Debbie also.
Have a wonderful trip and be safe!
Hi Marianne, have a great time here in Germany.
Fantastic! Have a great time in Frankfurt. I bought my first set of Copics when visiting friends in Essen!
Have a great time! My husband is from Germany, and we lived there for several years. We were married there, and all three of our boys were born there. It's our home away from home.
Best of luck with your classes!
I will pray for your safety and for Debbie also.
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I am excited for you to learn new techniques. I will pray for your safety and for Debbie also.
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