A quick Survey
I am gathering information for future projects that I am working on. If you have been following my blog, you know how much I love drawing and coloring. I have been doing it my whole life, and I love teaching art to others. My job is to make it look easy, even for beginners. In my opinion, everyone is capable of beautiful coloring if they are just shown how. However, one thing that people consistently say to me is:
"But I can't draw, I'm not an artist!" or
"I don't think I can do that, I've never taken a drawing class!"
And I am the one who gets frustrated because coloring has very little to do with drawing. When someone says this, they are setting themselves up with a negative- I think I can't do it, therefore I can't.
My question is:
If Copic/I began teaching basic DRAWING classes for adults, would you be interested?
Why? Has it been your lifetime dream? Have you discovered crafting in the last few years and now you are craving the chance to draw? Did you take a few classes years ago in college and now you want to learn again?
Tell me about it! Let me know your creative dreams and ambitions! Let me know if you'd want to see workshops, retreats, online classes, or any other idea you have. Let me know if you are plenty happy with what you currently do and are scared of the idea of drawing your own picture. Let me know if you are scared stiff of drawing. No holding back here, people!
Please leave a comment on this post, and Monday I'll announce a couple randomly chosen winners for Copic Bumper stickers to thank you for your comments. Sorry, the prizes can only go to people in North America, but anyone from around the world is welcome to leave a comment. I look forward to hearing from each of you :)
Now, may you all have a great weekend, and the confidence to go out and do something creative out of your comfort zone!!
I would LOVE to have a basic drawing course online...and I can't think of anyone better to teach it than you. Have a great weekend and thanks for asking!
I would be more than happy to have a basic drawing course. I tried before but even the teacher told me that drawing is not for everyone huhuhu. Online classes would work best for me since I'm in Canada. I hope your idea will end up in a nice class project!
Yes, I would be interesting in online basic drawing classes. I would like to be able to make my own cute pictures to color instead of depending solely on other people's artwork! I would also like to learn how to create digital stamps.
I would love to learn how to draw... I've stamped and colored but never draw, just seems like a futile effort since I'm lousy at it.
You have a knack for taking art concepts ranging from simple to advanced, breaking them down into steps and making what appears complicated become possible to those of us who have little to no experience or exposure to drawing, coloring, light, shadows, texture, etc...
My colouring has greatly improved since I discovered your blog. If anyone can teach me how to draw...it's YOU and I'd love the chance to try!
Lori Campbell
London, Ontario, Canada
I would love yo learn to draw. I loved drawing in high school and got ok at it. I've forgotten it all and would love to be able to draw again. Videos are good as they can be paused and rewound for the difficult parts. Learning in person is always the best way but may be hard for some due to circumstances. Thanks for all of your coloring advice too. I've learned alot here!
Yes, I would love to have a basic drawing course. When I was growing up I used to draw all of the time and the older I got, real life got in the way and the drawing went out the window. I would love to go back to it.
Yes. :) I illustrated books about Cabbage Patch Kids with my then-best friend Jessica when we were in elementary school. The two of us still talk about it. :) My daughter would LOVE to take a class and I think she'd love ya too! :) (and no need to enter me into any drawing - I already have a sticker anyway! LOL!)
yes yes yes. i cannot draw to save my life but i crave learning it. i would definitely be on board!
Count me in for an online class! I'd love to improve my skills and learn more with Copics!
Basic drawing count me in! Lately I find myself wishing I could draw seething to color but unable to actually get started a little overwhelmed I think. Online rewind videos would be great, since making it to everyone to give personal pointers is likely not possible.
I'm brand new to your site and brand new to Copics. But I've wanted to draw all my life. I took a drawing class and when the instructor took my pencil and proceeded to draw on my paper I got really discouraged. I've moved to other crafty forms (scrapbooking) but still wish I could draw my own non-stick figure images. Online videos would be awesome for me as I'm a busy mom!
I would be interested myself and can imagine a lot of people are. I love the way you explain coloring with copics, so i am looking formward to your basic drawing. Because i am living in the Netherlands, maybe it could be (partially) on the internet?
I would so love to learn how to draw!! My 7 year old granddaughter can draw better than me. LOL!!! Online classes would work best for me.
I would also love a drawing class online!!!
Yes! Yes! Yes! I want to learn how to draw-I have taken a couple of classes, but those did not teach the kind of I-want-to-draw-something-people-will-recognize type of drawing I would like to do! Please, please, please teach us!
I have always wanted to learn how to draw and color and paint. I was "drawn" to rubber stamping/cardmaking because I could be creative and use someone elses artwork. I have been love being able to color now, and have some basic understandings of drawing, but don't know where to begin since I have never been taught. My elementary school had very rudimentry art classes, more craft projects than art, and by high school you had to chose art or music. In short, yes I want to draw :)
I would LOVE to learn to draw! That would be so cool! Thanks for thinking of us Marianne! Have a wonderful weekend! Happy Creating! Sara
I would love to have a basic drawing class. Thank you for considering.
YES! YES! YES! My art teacher in 8th grade told me I could copy really wll, but I could never draw my own original work. And, unfortunately I believed her, so I've never really tried, even though I really enjoy to doodle and draw. I would love to have the opportunity to learn drawing skills.
Definitely! Ready to sign up now. Fingers crossed that you do this.
I would love online basic drawing classes. I have really been wanting to start an art journal-memory journal-illustrated diary with art techniques or whatever moves me to add. Have been reluctant to start one because I don't know how to do the drawings.
Marianne, I would absolutely LOVE to have a basic drawing course. When taking art in school, I was always told that my drawing was not very good. Since doing the copics and making cards, and with all the wonderful stamps I want to do more. This is fantastic idea.
Marianne you hit the nail on the head... I've always wanted to draw. If I could draw then I could paint... if I could draw I could color my own images! It would open a whole new world to me. Thankyou!
Online video or purchased DVD.
i would love to talk an online drawing class. i always stirred away from art classes in high school & college because i couldn't draw. but always longed to be able to do so. i love my copics & would love be able to color things that i have created...now can you teach me how to sing? LOL
Absolutely! I feel I can color with Copics pretty well (always room for improvement), but can't really draw. I think having a drawing class would help me improve my coloring with Copics, plus I could make my own images to color.
Yes, I would love to learn to draw! I was a STRAIGHT A student EXCEPT for art. I got a D in art in the 9th grade and have never been the same since.
Wow! Have you been in my head? I've never taken a drawing class. I own a rubber stamp company in Texas. Have artists design for me, because I think I can't draw. I took your Copic Certification class in Arlington and I was so in awe of your drawing abilities. Please offer an online drawing course!!
This would be an awesome addition to your classes!
oh HECK YEAH I want to learn!!! Scared stiff...HECK YEAH!!! LOL But that won't stop ME from having some FUN!!! Plus...I'm sure you would get a few laughs outta my fun artwork ;) OH...and my daughter AND hubby would probably love to take drawing classes too! They both draw better than I do :) Maybe you can offer a family plan? hee hee hee. KEEP ME POSTED GIRL!
Yes I would be interested in an online drawing class. I love to draw but have never had any formal training so I know that I always take the long way to do my projects.
I'm sure there are easier ways to achieve my finial goal, but I was never shown how.
I would love to have basic drawing class online to help me with my skills. thanks for offering.
WOW! You can read my mind...lol. I was just telling my husband yesterday that I would love to take some drawing classes. Even if it is to add a background for the stamp I am working with. On-Line would be wonderful....I am in a small town in Alberta, Canada.
Thanks :)
Drawing has always been something I would love to learn to do. I took one year of art in high school and I loved it, but I never followed through. I've bought drawing books in the past, but could never get inspired by reading about it. I need hands on!
I don't draw at all, that is why I learned to rubber stamp.. I would like to have a basic drawing course, if only to understand shading better. I know about choosing a light source, but somehow, when I shade, it seems like it is too much, too dark, and I don't leave enough white space. Also, one is very limited with rubber stamps only. Also, I live in rural VA, and had to travel over 2 hours to the last Copic class I attended, and they have not offered the next series yet. I believe I was certified in 2008. Anyway, I would love anything internet, streaming, or a pre-recorded session with Q & A once a week/month. You are wonderful Marianne, and the blogs are great, btw, and I can't wait to get the new book. I have almost every sketch Copic makes, and use them almost every day. Thanks Shelley W.
Wow, sounds right up my alley! I would love to see an online class on drawing and sketching...I can already imagine some video's of you sharing your expertise and tips with us! I experienced a little of your teaching at my basic Copic certification and absolutely love how you explain a technique and then execute it...count me in!
Yes, Please!!! I have always wanted to draw, but never took art classes. being able to do basic drawing would help in so many ways. Decorative painting, Quilting, stamping. Stick people can only take me so far. On-line classes would be best for me too.
That sounds like a good idea to me, I need a refresher. Trying to muddle through on my own. I'd love to learn more about digi stamp creation as well. Online would be the best for me, as I'm in the middle of nowhere right now. The courses would have to be affordable otherwise our budget just couldn't take it!
I would definitely be interested.
I would love the learn basic drawing. I work as a full time registered nurse and my schedule doesn't allow me to attend regular classes. I take Suxanne Dean's Copic classes online. Now THAT I could do!!! I just love your work and would sign up for your drawing classes. Many time I just want to make my own image..... just need to learn to draw!
I would love to take a drawing class. I have some RAW talent but have never gotten any instruction to see where it could take me.
I have the most all of the Copics and try to suck up as much coloring advice and information from you that I can.
I never payed any attention to light direction and shadows like I do now. It does make a difference in the way I look at things and has improved my coloring.
I am an artist by trade, but I love to learn (marker renderings were always one of my favorite things to do in school so Copics are right up my alley!). I think it could be helpful to me to be able to bring some ideas across to my classes - I keep joking that I need to do an art 101 class. Bring it on!
Oh crow this would be simply amazing!!! I love drawing and have dabbled my whole life as well. When I was young I used to copy the the archie comics as well as others. HOWEVER, I can't just sit down with a blank piece of paper and nothing to "copy" and draw something.
what about an online class with videos? now that would be awesome!
Absolutely!! All of my life I have wanted to be able to draw. I even read the book "Drawing with the Right Side of the Brain"!
I too would love to take your drawing class -- online for me!! I love, love, love technology and if it weren't for the online stuff I wouldn't even know about Copics, your talent, etc!! So, I support online classes all the way!
Drawing is something I've wanted to do for a very long time. Nothing like a good teacher to learn something new.
I can't draw : ( I would love a class, or a series of classes. On-line is best because I live sort of rural. Just looking at your Copic banner makes me wish I could do that. Thanks for asking!
It would be amazing to learn some basic techniques.
Yes. I would love to learn to draw and would be thrilled for you to teach us!
Hi, Marianne. Yes, I too would love to have a class in drawing. I think that drawing (any type of art) is good for the soul and spirit and many of us are lacking in positives in our lives. I think it would add some balance to my hectic life. Thanks for the considering it.
I would like to earn how to draw. I used to draw as a child but that was so long ago. On line classes would work best for me. Sign me up!
YES YES YES___I would love a basic course---if nothing else than just to grab a few more ideas and learn from you and others!!!
I would SO love to be able to say that, "yes, I did make this" and have it include the drawing as well. I want to go more digital with stamps and just can't afford the $2 and $3 apiece prices. They can add up in a real hurry.
Online is the only way that I could do it.
Oh, HECK, yes! I'd absolutely love on online class on basic drawing. Sign me up now, girl! You have a real gift for presenting information.
I can't draw worth beans but would love to learn! A retreat sounds like a LOT of fun but I think an on line class is for me too.
YES, I would LOVE for you to teach a drawing class. As for what format...online video would probably be the most convenient but would hate missing the immediate feedback of having an instructor looking over your shoulder that you would have in a classroom setup. So I guess live instruction first, then online second with hard copy material to take home on both.
That would be wonderful. Basic drawing course...I'm there!!!
yes, I would love to learn how to draw. This idea is fantastic!
absolutely! I've realized some time ago that with practice anything is possible so....heck yes :-)
Gimme, gimme, gimme! I would love to see a class like that. I know basic stuff but to even come close to drawing the way you do would be a step up!
I would love a basic drawing class. I also prefer an online class as long as you don't use Vimeo. I can't get it to work on my computer.
You have always been an inspiration to me and I would love some classes to start my engine! Since retiring I have the time to play with my ideas.
Absolutely! Sign me up immediately. :) An online class would be even better!
A basic drawing course on-line would be a real challenge for me, but I would like to give it a try! I took a Calligraphy class because I thought since I have a nice handwriting, it would be a cinch - WRONG...it's basically drawing. Not happy with my results...so, maybe a basic drawing class would help????
Jan Castle
Marianne, If you (or someone with your teaching style) are teaching, I would say yes - I would come to any class you teach. If it's a generic, basic drawing class, I would pass.
Providing my honest opinion...
Take care and STAY POSITIVE!
Yes! I would absolutely LOVE to learn how to draw! I love the digi images that are out there, but I can't always find exactly what I'm looking for when I need it. I can't wait to hear if you are able to get a class going! Thanks!
I would LOVE to learn to draw. It is my one big shortcoming in my crafting skills.
I would definately take a drawing class. Love to draw all my life but was never good at it.
I love using my Copic inks on stamped and digi images. I don't have to draw. I'll let those who love to draw make the images for me - LOL!!! My coloring has improved because of your coloring lessons. Thanks.
I too would love to learn how to draw. I love to stamp but sometimes can't find the right image and would love to be able to draw anything I want at any time. A step by step video class or book would be great.
Thaks so much Marianne for giving us all of this inspiration , education and the confidence to try .
Thanks so much
Nicky Manel
I also would love if COPIC could keep an online course, I love to color with copics, I usually say that I am an frustrated artist as I can't draw, I stamp :)
I would love to be able to draw from the cute drawing to people
if the course could be online would be great, with video classes as well would be GREAT!
No, I'm not really interested in drawing. Whatever my efforts, I would not be able to draw to the level of the stamps and digital images that I like. I'm content to learn more coloring techniques. Only so much time in the day.
I'd be thrilled to have a basic drawing course. I haven't had anything since I was 14 years old. I enjoyed it but never had another opportunity after that as I didn't have art classes in my high school courses in the following years.
Yes, I would enjoy have the opportunity to take a drawing class online. It would be a non intimadating way to learn. Sometimes when you go to a drawing lcass, so many people already do a fine job and you compare yourself to them.
I would love to see some drawing courses (that don't require all the pre-requisite classes that community colleges do) I would like online but depending on how graphic intensive and how many videos, it could be rough for my internet speed. A wonderful idea, Marianne, you can count me in as a student.
I would love to learn to draw. On line or in a class. Can't wait to see what you come up with.
I would love to see what this type of class would offer and think you would be a perfect fit. I have always taken art classes when I was in school but it has been a very long while as an adult, and this would be a way to start again.
On line, in book form, any way I can get it. I am itching to stretch my creative muscles. Feel a little nervous. My Dad was an artist and a perfectionist. His trees never bent over!!! I think I am afraid of that kind of mindset.Thanks!!
I would love, love, love to learn to draw from you!! An online class would be perfect.
I would like to see both online classes and classes you teach. I can't get to Oregon easily even though I live in Washington, as I don't drive much anymore. If it's further than the grocery store I have to have someone else to the driving. So online would work best for me. But I think that some people would like to be able to attend you classes in person.
ABSOLUTELY! I've drawn all my life, but kind of got away from in the past 15 years--life has a way of intruding and taking us away from our 'fun' things. But to be able to take an online class would be AWESOME.
As for those who say 'I can't do that'--I tell the students I have in my Copic classes a quote, from Michael Jordan--"I can't accept not trying." We can try anything. We may not like it, or might not be good at it--but we can still TRY. And they do, and they love it. They just have to get past the "I can't" and get to the "I'll try that" stage.
Thank you thank you thank you for all the wonderful tutorials you had on your blog--you are a great teacher!
I would love the chance to learn how to draw. An online class would be wonderful! I live a long way from a city big enough to hold a 'real' class.
Sounds like a great idea. If you can break the stigma of the old excuse “I am not artist!” more power to you. I also think that using Copic to help bridge the gap is the best gateway into the art world for many.
No, I would not be interested, thank you.
I would love to draw. i have always wanted to be able to draw my own digital stamps of cats, as i never see many around on the net. also my daughter who is mad on copics is an avid drawer and for 9 years old can draw quite well but struggles with the 3 dimensions and scale sometimes.
and while i am commenting on the blog.... i was wondering is there a chance that copic would ever think of bringing out a range of markers for children? my daughter loves to colour with my copics but at $10.00 a marker(yes they are around $10.00 each here in OZ) i would love a range of blending markers for her to use that were not quite as expensive.
I would love to learn to draw. When I was a young girl, I would sit for hours and draw pictures from the Archies comic books or the magazine that would publish the picture of the turtle (the one I remember). I have not done anything for a long time and would enjoy learning.
Wonderful idea! I love to draw, and your teaching would help me I'm sure. On line would be great.
Seeing as you are fantastic at teaching how to use the copics, You would be fabulous at teaching drawing too. Online would be super as I am in Canada and not near any big centres. I have dreamed of seeing something like this my whole life....so PLEASE DO! :)(and now I won't be able to sleep waiting to see when it's coming, lol)
I have always wanted to know how to draw and believe I don't have the talent to do it. If even someone like me can learn to draw that would be wonderful. I often want to draw something to enhance a stamped image and never do it.
I am a math and science girl and although I love my copics and scrapbooking I am AFRAID to color "outside the lines". Drawing something on my own gives me nightmares. In other words, a drawing course would be perfect to complement my other hobbies!!!!
YES! YES! YES! I would love a basic course on drawing, coloring ... anything. I have about 70ish copics but have been teaching myself. I'm the queen of stick figures and although cute to my four-year-old, I would love to learn basic drawing techniques! Sign me up!
I would love to learn how to draw! I have always wanted to and I keep buying books to help, but I think if I try and fail then I will know I can't draw and it's all over, whereas if I don't try it will always be a possibility. Sad, I know.
OMG - did you just read my mind? I was just going to pick up the phone and call around for basic drawing classes!!! This would be awesome - drawing and coloring from Marianne! Yes, Yes, Yes!
I COMPLETELY AGREE that colouring has NOTHING to do with drawing. I colour all the time and I can't draw very well. I would ABSOLUTELY LOVE to learn to draw as well! Another poster mentioned online classes! That would be perfect! Of course, I'd take a class IRL if and when it came to Toronto but I am too anxious to wait that long! As it is, I am excitedly scanning EVERY post any designer writes looking for an Intermediate class Toronto to pop up, Finally! I saw it was pending for May, then August but nothing for a while. I can't wait! I'm already stalking the blogs of a few people wo have taken the advanced class and am learning from their explanations and I look at old posts of ours all the time!
I would love to learn how to draw. I would sign up for a drawing class if it were offered. I was told that drawing was not for everyone and even had my money refunded the day of the class because the teacher didn't think I would be able to learn. Is there hope???
I also would LOVE to take some drawing classes and online would work best for me as I live in the Amarillo Tx area and nothing comes near here. I would especially love it if you were to teach it!
Big Hugs!
I am one of those people who thinks she cannot draw. So, I would definitely be interested in these classes!
I'd love basic drawing. I'm always fascinated by your shadowing and love to study them.... What a talent!
I can't draw anything. Not even a straight line much less a face or evan a dog made from circles. Please teach me to draw. An online class would be most fantastic!
I would love to learn how to draw. I've dabbled in it over the years but have never produced anything decent LOL. I have thoroughly enjoyed your tutorials with the Copic Markers and have learned so much. :)
I would love to have basic drawing. I always loved art/drawing but what little we had in school was not enough. I always wished to take more so I can draw my own designs/stamps/clipart/SVGs....you get the ideal.
Yes! Reason 1: It's been 20+ years since I have taken an art class. B: I am limited by my stamps and as much as I'd love to go out and buy more, I'm not a bank. A drawing class would break the bands of my limitation, and would allow my creativity to soar!
Yes! I've always wanted to draw but could only manage letting and stick figures. A drawing class for adults would be great.
HA! Ha! That's a no brainer! Who doesn't want to draw better! I can't draw much more than a stick figure, so I think this would be FABULOUS!!!
Marianne, I would die for a few drawing lessons. It's kind of a joke around my house that even though I'm a GOOD colorer, my DH would be really impressed if I could draw the image. Please Please Please do this. I'm in!
I love to color but have always felt that I could not draw. Years of an overcritical mother and Catholic school have ingrained this in me and I have not been able to escape (despite 60 years of trying). A basic drawing course would be sooooooooo welcome! Thanks! ~chris
I am perfectly happy coloring in the drawings of talented artists like you. I can't draw & don't really care that I can't.
Count me in...........feeding my soul is always necessary, and drawing is a lifelong dream!
I would love to take a basic drawing class. I love to color but the drawing eludes me. Thanks for your great blog.
I would LOVE to learn how to draw. I've been really happy exploring my creative side with stamping and coloring, and I think drawing would be the perfect addition to that :) Thanks for your wonderful blog, I've learnt so much from you :)
I would LOVE to have a basic drawing class! I regularly teach Copic coloring classes (montly) and sometimes I'd like to showcase a technique and just can't find the right stamp. PLUS! I'm ALWAYS looking for ways to showcase multi liners!
Yes - I would love a drawing class. I can draw a few simple things, and learning drawing techniques would hopefully give me the confidence I need to draw even more. Thanks for asking!!
I would love to take a basic how to draw course!!! That's why I stamp.....I can't draw!!!! I use someone else's artwork!!! I'd love to be able to be artistic!!!
I would really like a basic drawing class, I would sign up for a class.
I would love a class in basic drawing! I buy tons of stamps because I love the images, and can never get my drawings to look as cute, or realistic, or have the same feel as the images on the stamps. My sister, who is pretty good at drawing always say to me, " I would never buy that. I can draw that myself!" I would love to have that confidence in my abilities!
My favorite line on this subject is, "I'm an artist. I can't draw, so I stamp!" This is me! I have gradually been amassing a collection of Copic markers, and read everything I can find about how to color with them, and I will unabashedly say I'm doing pretty well. However, I can't draw, and don't think I'll ever be able to. Years ago, I took an adult education beginning drawing class--just black/gray pencils and paper. After several sessions, the teacher took me aside and suggested that I should find another outlet for my creative urges (that is a direct quote!). Ouch! So no, for me, I have no interest in trying to draw. I'll just stamp and color, thank you very much!
Count me in...I have always dreamed of being able to draw and I think I might be able to with your help. You are such a GREAT TEACHER and make things seem possible when they look hard. Thank you for this idea and I am looking forward to hearing more.
ohhhh yes , please.
I have dreamed about that ,lol
I just want to draw, now I am colouring :).
Love the idea.
I would love a drawing course online.
Basic drawing class for adults? Absolutely yes! I hope you do it. Also, I can't locate your Copic shading book in Sacramento, CA. I asked the local stamping shop owner to order . . . she said she would look into it. Do you have any idea where around Sacramento I can get it?
I would like to try some online drawing coloring classes. I always doodled in school, still have some of the notebooks. Can't wait.
You have taught me how to use my Copics correctly, I've followed your blog for the 3+ years I've had my Copics - Thank you.
Your book is ordered, just waiting it's arrival.
I would love to learn to draw, yes please, let's have a class.
Yes - I would love any online class that you want to have.
Julie T.
I would love to learn how to draw. I live in a small town and although I have checked the two colleges in the area all the classes are during the day when I'm working.
Thanks for asking I hope you can get something started.
I'm afraid that I was the girl who dumped her paint becasue I couldn't draw. but being quite a few years older now I would be willing to try. It's kind of klike :nothing ventured nothing gained. Bonnie @ neineiskids@gmail.com
Yes...I would love to learn to draw. You have the ability to break down the difficult into simple tasks which makes learning easy.
I have not idea hoiw good I would be but I would give it a try.
An online class that you can sign up to "when you have spare time" rather than having to commit to a definate time each session would be perfect for those of us outside the US who would like to benefit from your knowledge.
Yes, yes, yes! You should for sure do an online drawing class for us people who don't have an art background. It would be great to learn the basics, I was thinking of taking a class at a CC but changed my mind. It would be awesome!
Yes I would like to learn how to
draw as I can't draw a thing!! I would like classes online and you
certainly would be the best teacher! I hate to admit this, but
I don't even know how too obtain anything digital, can't upload or
download an image (so I can't enter
any contest if I wanted to)I realize this is not the question you ask but I wanted to share the
additional info. Thanks.
Yes please, pretty please, pretty please with sugar and cherries on top please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Was that too subtle?? *grin*
oh yes, if I lived there I surely would come, but I am Dutch so my only option is online! Is this posible too??????
thanks a lot
I too, would love a drawing course. I love to paint, and as someone else said, it would be nice to be able to come up with unique personal designs especially in crafting. Looking foward to hearing more about it in the future.
I just today found your survey and I would love to take drawing lessons as if i need something else to do with my "spare"time.Yes please count me in I would love to learn how to draw.
YES, I would be interested! I use to draw in my younger years but put it aside -- until now. I have my standard certification with Copic and am now taking a book building class using the techniques that I learned about in my first certification course. Once I'm finished with this class I intend to get my Intermediate Certification. I would love to sketch and color as well. Looking forward to your on-line drawing course should you choose to do one.
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